Data Protection Policy and Privacy Notice

Privacy and Copyright

ISO is committed to protecting your privacy, including that of  ISO members, participants in ISO activities, our customers, visitors to our websites and subscribers to our magazines and newsletters. For our approach to personal data protection, please see ISO's Privacy Notice, which addresses how ISO processes and safeguards this personal data as agreed. 

Data Protection Policy

All those participating in ISO standardization activities have rights and obligations related to data protection.  These are reflected in the Data Protection Policy for ISO members, the Privacy Notice,  and a Declaration to which all those involved in ISO standardization must agree. It applies to data stored on ISO IT tools, as well as any personal data collected in the course of standardization work (e.g. attendance lists, minutes).

NOTE: please keep our systems safe. Never share your user name and password with others!

Help Scout Privacy Policy

To help us provide you, in accordance with our legitimate interests, with our standards development applications documentation, contextual search and helpdesk contact form, we are using a third-party provider. For further information on how they help us protect your personal data, please see their  Privacy Policy.

Further information on ISO Data Protection

Any questions regarding the the Member Policy, the Privacy Notice or the Declaration can be directed to the ISO Data Protection Officer:

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