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Global Directory
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Create national technical committee (video)
Transfer roles from one person to another (video)
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How to search for projects with online document
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ISO Projects release notes
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Online Standards Development (OSD)
Add comments and proposals (online document)
What is Online Standards Development (OSD)
OSD - Training and resources
OSD - Virtual Skill Bite Trainings
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OSD release notes
OSD - Training exercises for authors
Member Commenting - Getting started
Overview of online standards development by stage
OSD - Virtual Resource Orientation Sessions
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National Documents - Training videos
ISOlutions National Ballots
ISOlutions National Projects
ISOlutions National Public Enquiry
Online Browsing Platform (OBP)
Online Browsing Platform (OBP)
Web conferencing (Zoom)
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Meeting toolbar
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Web Conferencing - Support and Trainings
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ISO service and data protection policy
Audio connection issues
Web conferencing accounts for developing countries
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ISO forms, model agendas, standard letters
Writing resolutions
Drafting Standards
Directives and policies
ISO/IEC Guides
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Normative references
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