Aim of Projects

In this article

Aim of Projects

Please note

  • Committee Manager (CM), Twinned Committee Manager (Twinned CM), Committee Manager Support Team (CM Support Team) roles refer to TCs and SCs only
  • Secretary, Twinned Secretary, Secretary Support Team roles refer to Working Groups (WG), Policy committees, and Governance committees.

Aim of Projects

The main function of ISO Projects is to provide Committee Manager and PC Secretary with a structured tool to help them manage the projects in their committee work programmes from the preliminary stage (stage 00.00) through the withdrawal stage (95.99). 

Committee Manager and PC Secretary can change the timeframe of a project and update the target dates for upcoming project stages. It is also the starting point to launch new NP ballots using the eForm 4 process and to access the Post Voting Decision (PVD) process following the closure of a ballot. 

ISO Projects provides a clear view of the full work program of all ISO committees and subcommittees and provides easy access to all projects and standards details, including history, current status, limit/target dates, key contacts, etc. ISO Projects is accessible as read-only to all users registered in the Global Directory.

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