Ballot types and stages

In this article

Ballot stages

Ballot workflow

Ballot stages

Ballot types

The balloting platform is used for the following ballot types:

Ballot type
Description NSB participation
Committee Internal Ballots (CIB)
New Work Item Proposal (NP), Committee Draft (CD)*, Draft Technical Specifications (DTS)*, Draft Technical Report (DTR)*, Draft Publicly available Specification (DPAS)* and ad-hoc. Vote is restricted to the member of the committee as follow:
P-members must vote
O-members can comment
Working Group Consultations This is a consultation used by WG to gather opinion of WG members during drafting stage
Experts of the WG submit their comment
WD Study The ‘Working Draft (WD) study’ is already common practice during the ‘Preparatory stage’ of a project and aims to gather comments from WG members on the draft (stage 20.20 and 20.60 in the International harmonized stage codes). Experts of the WG submit their comment
Draft International Standard (DIS); Final Draft International Standard (FDIS); Systematic Review (SR); Withdrawal Consultations (WDRL)
Vote is open to all members
P-member of the committee must vote
All ISO Members can vote
Ballot used to vote to create a new committee on a new subject
Vote open to all members

For detailed information on project stages for standards development please refer to this page: Stages and resources for standards development

(*) As of 2022-06-30, CD ballots have been removed and replaced by CD Consultation. DTR, DTS and DPAS are now managed at stage 50 but the audience remains the same (i.e. P-members must vote and O-members can comment).

Ballot workflow

The balloting process and its follow up are characterized by the following main stages:

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