Writing resolutions
In this article
Approving a liaison with another TC
Confirming/disbanding liaisons with another ISO committee
Creating a new liaison with organization XYZ
Approving a Strategic Business Plan
Approving to submit a new project
Approval of a revision with no scope expansion
Approval of recommendations of a WG
Advancing documents/registering documents for next stage
Approval of a limit date extension
Appointment of a Chair of an ISO/SC
Appointment of an ISO/TC XX/SC Chair elect
Examples of well written resolutions
Numbering of resolutions
The committee is free to choose how to number the resolutions, common examples are:
By date - Resolution 1 2024-07
By location - Resolution 12 Lyon, France May 2024
By consecutive numbers - Resolution 4
The notes in this document are directed at the Committee Manager and do not form part of the resolutions.
Resolutions are there to record major decisions where support from the committee or a vote is needed. Try to limit the number of resolutions and use minutes to record other decisions.
Approving a liaison with another TC
Resolution 4
ISO/TC XX resolves to create an internal liaison with ISO/TC YY, (and invites TC YY to reciprocate with the liaison). TC XX designates Ms. Jane Doe (janedoe@company.com) as Liaison Representative.
NOTE: TC XX shall provide the full contact details of the Liaison Representative to ISO/CS.
Confirming/Disbanding liaisons with another ISO committee
Resolution 7
Having reviewed its internal liaisons with other ISO committees, ISO/TC x confirms that its internal liaisons with other ISO committees are still valid and necessary. All Liaison Representatives are confirmed.
Resolution 10
ISO/TC x has reviewed its internal liaisons with other ISO committees and resolves to terminate its liaison towards ISO/TC y.
Creating a new liaison with organization XYZ
Resolution 2023-07
Noting the written request from organization XYZ (N Document Number), ISO/TC XX agrees to establish a Category A Liaison with organization XYZ.
The Liaison representative is XX
NOTE 1: TC XX shall provide the full contact details of the Liaison Representative to ISO/CS
NOTE 2: Please see ISO Directives Part 1, clause 1.17 for procedure and criteria. Also note that Liaison requests must specify each TC and SC that the external organization wants to liaise with. Ensure that the eligibility criteria have been checked against clause 1.17 of the Directives by ISO/CS.
Approving a Strategic Business Plan
Resolution Paris 6/2024
ISO/TC x decides to adopt its revised strategic business plan available in document ISO/TC x Nxxx with corrections as discussed during the plenary meeting and requests its secretariat to transmit its final version to ISO/CS for uploading to ISO online.
[Note: All ISO committee strategic business plans are available at www.iso.org/bp ]
Establishing a working group
Miami Resolution 12
ISO/TC XX resolves to create a new working group, titled “Give the Title of Working Group”, to develop work item 12345 and appoints Mr. John Doe (johndoe@company.com) as Convenor for a period of 3 years. The member body who nominated the Convenor has confirmed the appointment. The next meeting will be on YYYY-MM-DD. The WG is asked to provide the CD/DIS draft to the CM by YYYY-MM-DD.
Note: the 1st WG meeting shall be held within maximum 12 weeks after its creation
Appointing a WG Convenor
Resolution Paris 5/2024
ISO/TC x agrees to extend the mandate of Dr. X for the next 3 years 2025-2027. The member body who nominated the Convenor has confirmed the appointment.
ISO/TC x thanks Dr. X for his valuable contribution as Convenor in the work of WG y and appoints Dr. Z as new Convenor of WG y for the next 3 years (20XX- 20XX).
Approving to submit a new project
Resolution Paris 9/2024
ISO/TC XX agreed that WG 1 will prepare the document as five parts: ...
ISO/TC XX agreed that WG 1 will prepare a NP to propose the work on the preparation of Part 4 by YYYY-MM-DD. The NP will be submitted to P-members by vote via the ISO Committee Balloting Portal.
This project will support the following UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): e.g. 1 (no poverty).
Note: For more information on SDGs, please visit our website at www.iso.org/SDGs and https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/.
PWI registration
TC xxx, based on circulated Doc Nxxxx, decides to register a Preliminary Work Item as revision of ISO xxxxxx:20yy .
Responsible WG/AHG:
Other information:
Project Leader : full name, e-mail
Starting a revision/Amendment with no scope expansion
Resolution 1-2024
ISO/TC XX decides to revise/amend ISO 12345:2013 "Title".
TC xxx, considering xxx, decides to revise/amend ISO 12345:2013:
- development track (18, 24, or 36 months): …
- project leader: name and e-mail
- TC, SC, WG in charge: number
- the current scope is confirmed
- the project is starting at stage: (20.20,30.00, 40.00)
Project plan (target dates):
- WG meetings (if any):
- Circulation of first WD (20.20) (if any):
- Circulation of CD (30.20) (if any):
- Submission of DIS (40.00):
- Submission of FDIS (50.00) (if any):
- Publication:
These UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are supported: x, y.
TC xxx consider using the Online Standards Development platform:
- OSD option: yes/no
- OSD starting material: blank document/existing MS Word file/previous edition
P-Members are invited to appoint experts to contribute to the project development.
Note: a Form 4 is not required for the revision or amendment of an existing standard, provided that the committee passes a resolution containing the following elements: 1) target dates, 2) in case of revision/amendment, confirmation of scope including whether it will be expanded and 3) the convenor or project leader, 4) supported SDGs. The committee must also launch a call for experts.
Approving recommendations of a WG
Resolution 179
ISO/TC x notes the recommendations of ISO/TC x/WG y available in document ISO/T Cx N nnn and the report of the Convenor. ISO/TC x resolves to:
• submit project ISO/WD vvvv, updated by the Project Leader, directly to DIS ballot by yyyy-mm-dd, skipping the CD consultation.
Modification of scope
Resolution 4/2024
ISO/TC XX/SC XX decides to add to ISO/DIS 12345 a new Clause 5 “Marking” as follows: … …
The Project Leader XXXX is asked to prepare the modified document by YYYY-MM-DD.
Advancing documents/registering documents for next stage
Resolution 2023-2
ISO/TC x decides to progress AWI xxxx to DIS ballot by yyyy-mm-dd, skipping the WD and CD stages.
Resolution 2023-4
ISO/TC x decides to submit ISO/CD xxxx, updated with the decisions taken during the meeting (as shown in document ISO/TC x N yxz), to DIS ballot by yyyy-mm-dd.
Systematic review decisions
2024/TC XX/SC XX Resolution 4
ISO/TC XX notes the comments and ballot results from the Systematic Review of ISO 12345:2016 in N xxxx and resolves to confirm this standard for an additional five years.
2023/TC XX/SC XX Resolution 5
ISO/TC XX/SC XX notes the comments and ballot results from the Systematic Review of 12345:2016 and resolves to revise 12345:2016 as a Minor Revision to correct Table 1 and Table 2. The Minor Revision text will be submitted to ISO/CS for FDIS ballot by 15 January 2024.
Note: Minor Revisions are limited to minor changes that do not impact the technical content of the standard. The updated document shall be submitted to ISO/CS within 16 weeks after the approval of the resolution.
Next meeting details
Resolution 1011
ISO/TC XX approves the dates of November 18-20, 2024 for the 47th TC XX Plenary meeting. TC XX accepts with appreciation the German delegation’s proposal to have the meeting hosted by DIN in Berlin, Germany.
TC XX notes with appreciation the Russian delegation’s tentative offer to host it in 2026 and the Brazilian delegation’s offer to host it in 2027.
Optional: ISO/TC XX would like to thank the host, NSB and XX for hosting the 46th meeting and for the support provided, which resulted in a successful and enjoyable meeting.
Approval of a limit date extension
ISO/TC xx agrees to request an extension of XXX months of the total project duration for the item XXX by setting the current limit date of the ISO/XXX from xx-xx-xx- to xx-xx-xx.
Note 1: Further justification shall be given such as the standard is highly relevant for the industry or there is a strong interest from stakeholders to continue)
Note 2: the CM has to fill the limit date extension form in and send it to the TPM
Note 3: A committee may be granted one extension of up to 9 months for the total project duration, but the publication of intermediary deliverables (such as PAS and TS) is recommended. [Extract from ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, e)].
Appointment of a Chair of an ISO/SC
ISO/TC XX, following the nomination of the Secretariat XXX, decides to appoint Mr/Ms /Prof, XXX as Chair of ISO/TC XX/SC XX for a period of XX years (maximum 6 years/up to a cumulative maximum of 9 years).
Appointment of an ISO/TC XX/SC Chair elect
Following the nomination of the Secretariat, ISO/TC yy agrees to appoint Mr/Ms/Prof. as Chair elect of the ISO/TC yy/SC XX for a period of 3 years starting on XXX-XX-XX (up to 1 year before the end of term of the exiting Chair).
Change of document type
ISO/TC xxx agrees to ballot ISOXXX as a TS /PAS because the technical content is acceptable but not sufficiently mature for an IS/or a TS. ISO/TC xxx intends to submit the updated text for formal DTS/PAS ballot by (insert target date YYYY-MM-DD.
Resolutions by correspondence
A resolution taken by correspondence (CIB) needs to include the same information as if it was taken in a meeting.
"Do you accept Resolution No 387?
Revision of ISO 16055:2012 -
ISO/TC 126 decides to start the revision of ISO 16055:2012 "Tobacco and tobacco
products - Monitor test piece - Requirements and use" proposed by WG 10.
ISO/TC 126 decides to establish the work item for the revision of this standard as follows:
Scope: CONFIRMED that the scope of the current edition will remain unchanged.
Target dates: (24 months track) CD: February 2025 DIS: September 2025 FDIS (if
necessary): September 2026 (at the latest) IS: January 2027
Project Leader: Dr. Nils Rose (Germany)
Responsible WG: WG xx
P-members are inviting to nominate Experts who will contribute to the development of the revision,