ISO Ballots release notes

In this article

2024/06 Release

Released on 2024-06-19

TMB resolution 31/2024

Further to TMB Resolution 31/2024 the following updates have been implemented regarding the ISO Ballots application

  • SR Ballot wizard wording update:
  1. Replace “International Standard” by “document”
  2. Replace “standard” by “document”
  • Calculation of ballot date changes for a 2nd DTR Ballot
  1. For a DTR ballot 2nd iteration, the ballot date now reflects 4 weeks (in lieu of 8 weeks)

2020/05 Release

Released on 2020-05-04

2020/01 Release

Released on 2020-01-15

  • Technical upgrade

2019/09 Release

Released on 2019-09-16

  • Technical improvements to the web-service. No functional changes
  • No longer possible to request a resource without any request parameters (did return too large data)
  • Possibility to request paged results by specifying 2 new "size" and "page" request parameters
  • Performance improvements
  • Reduced resources used on server to improve service stability

2019/03 Release

Released on 2019-03-04

  • Web-service was denying permission to add national roles when too many potential appointing organizations
  • Web-service no longer allows searching projects by creation nor modification dates. Only assignments modification date (for roles).

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