Content Server URL redirections

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In January 2023, the various ISO-operated Content Server platforms (i. e. ISO TC, CEN TC, eCommittees, livelink, National eCommittees) have been discontinued and their content migrated to either of these options:

Should you have questions, please contact indicating which URL and possibly a description of the content you are looking for.

  • CEN-specific services:
    • The HAS Platform on Livelink has been replaced by a new interface that allows CCMC and the HAS Contractor to exchange data and documents related to standard assessments. Since 2023, any new assessment report provided via this tool is automatically sent by e-mail to TC secretaries. A project has also been initiated to make such reports available via Projex-Online. This new functionality will be available in the course of this year. Should you have questions, please contact contact
    • The Citation in OJEU & Assessment reports platform was migrated to the Documents platform (SD Documents) under the newly created ‘Harmonization activities’ tenant. All the folders can be found in the ‘Support material’ area of the tenant.
    • The Standardization Request platform was migrated to the Documents platform as a subtenant (subfolder) of the new tenant called ‘Harmonization activities’. 
    • CEN user guides and templates (including commenting templates)

For a seamless experience, URLs pointing to content originally located in these instances and migrated to new environments are being redirected to their new location. If the redirection fails, traffic is redirected to this article which describes the possible scenarios and guide you to retrieve the document you were looking for.

Should you have questions, please contact indicating which URL and possibly a description of the content you are looking for.

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