Add annexes

In this article

Add annexes

Remove annexes

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Add annexes

Please note

  • Normative or informative annexes are created in the back matter of the document.
  • All annexes need to be referred to at least once in the main body of the text.
  • For an annex to be considered normative, it needs to be referred to in a requirement in the main body of the text.

To create a annex:

  • Click on the contextual menu of the back matter of the document and select an create annex group
  • To create a new annex:
    • From the ANNEX GROUP section, click on the button + ANNEX and select Informative annex or Normative annex.


    • From the contextual menu of the Annex group in the Outline, select: Create informative annex or Create normative annex 
  • To create an annex at the same level as an existing annex:
    • From the annex, click on the button: + ANNEX AT SAME LEVEL and then select Informative annex or Normative annex


    • From the contextual menu of the annex in the Outline, select: Create informative annex at the same level or Create normative annex at the same level
  • To create a sub-clause under an annex:
    • From the annex, click on the button: + SUBCLAUSE


    • From the contextual menu of the annex in the Outline, select: Create SUBCLAUSE
  • From an annex subclause, it is possible to create sub-clauses at the same level or sub-sub clauses:
    • From the annex subclause, click on the button:  + CLAUSE AT SAME LEVEL or  + SUBCLAUSE


    • From the contextual menu of the annex sub-clause in the Outline, select: Create Clause at the same level, Create SUBCLAUSE

Remove annexes

Click on the contextual menu next to the annex you would like to delete and select Remove.

Alternatively, click on the contextual of the annex in the Outline and select Remove

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