Submit comments to ISO
In this article
National comments submission/a>
Submit (accept or make national) comments to ISO one by one
Submit (accept or make national) multiple comments at once
Reject one comment( (Not submit as national comment to ISO)
Reject multiple national contributor comments in one go
Save comment as as draft resolution
Create/new comment(s) and make national directly
This article is relevant for:
National Comments submission
Voter must submit the national comments to ISO in the Online Document before the ISO CD Consultation/DIS ballot closes.
Only submitted comments (accepted comments) can be seen by the Committee Manager once the ISO ballot closed.
Comments to Resolve tab
Use the COMMENTS TO RESOLVE tab to easily view the comments placed in the document by clauses. The resolve comments tab is useful for accepting or rejecting multiple comments at once and also for accessing the filters and the Manage comments dashboard.
Related articles
For more information about filters and the Manage comments dashboard please view this article: Manage comments, topics and tags
Submit comments to ISO one by one
From the comment card, click on Manage comment, select Submit as national comment, and click on the Save decision button.
Once a comment is accepted or marked as national, it is identified as a national comment. The comment card is now in green color for quick identification that it is a national comment. In addition, it now includes the NSB's country code (instead of the national contributor's name),to help determine which country made the comment.
Please note
New comments created by national contributors (experts) are visible to all national contributors and voters (from the same country) as soon as they are placed.
Once the comments are made national, they become visible to the ISO Committee Manager (CM) after the ballot closes.
Submit multiple comments at once
You can also click on Select all to submit all the comments from the document at once to ISO.
Reject one comment (Not submit comment to ISO)
Please note
Voters can reject national contributions by providing a motivation (or reason for rejecting the comments).
From the comment card, click on Manage comment, select Not submit as national comment, enter a motivation, click on the Save decision button.
Comments not submitted as national comments will have the label Not accepted.
To find comments that have been Not accepted and hence not submitted as national comments, click on the comment filters icon, under the filter category: Resolution(s), select the checkbox: Not submitted as national and click on the Set filters button.
Reject multiple national contributor comment(s) in one go
From the Comments to Resolve tab, select one or multiple comments, click on the Select resolution dropdown menu and select Not submit as national comment, enter a new or select an existing motivation, and click on the Resolve button.
Edit and move comment(s)
Please note
Voters can edit and move national contributor comments before submitting them to ISO.
Voters can also edit and move national comments (after they have been submitted to ISO).
To modify a national contributor comment, click on the three dots menu on the comment card and select Edit, make the desired modifications and click on the Save button.
Similarly, to modify a "national" comment (after they have been submitted to ISO), click on the three dots in the "national" comment card, and select Edit, make the desired modifications and click on the Save button.
Please note
National contributors that have made the original comment will not see the Edit option on their comment once it has been submitted as a national comment. The commenters will only see the final version of national comment(s) that have been submitted by the voter to ISO.
To move a national contributor comment within the document, click on the three dots in the comment card, and select Move. Next, select a text or place your cursor within the document, and click on place comment here.
Similarly, to move "national" comments (after they have been submitted to ISO), click on the three dots in the "national" comment card, select Move, select a text or place your cursor within the document, and click on place comment here.
Save comment as as draft resolution
It is possible to save the resolution of a national contributor comment as a draft, before actually submitting it as a national comment or before rejecting it. This process is useful, when the Voter may want to discuss or rethink the resolution before saving it.
To do so, click on a comment card, and then click on the Manage comment button, select the resolution such as "Submit as national comment" or "Not submit as national comment" and then click on the Save as draft button.
Please note
Saving draft resolutions is possible only one comment or proposal at a time. Resolutions to multiple comments cannot be saved as draft resolutions in on go.
It is possible to find comments that have been saved as draft resolutions. To do so, click on the comment filters icon, under the filter category: Resolution(s), select the checkbox: Drafted and click on the Set filters button.
Create new comment(s) and make national
As a voter you can create a new comment and make it national directly when saving the comment. To do so, create a new comment or proposal directly in the online draft, select the Make National check box, and then click on the Save button.
Upload new comment(s) from file and make national
Voters can also choose to make national contributor comments national, while uploading the comments from a file.
To upload "national" comments, click on Other actions, then from Comments, select Load comments from file. Next, from Upload comments section, click on the Choose a file button, and select the comments file to upload. Then from the Upload result section, select the checkbox: Submit all imported comments as national comments, and click on the Import valid rows button. Once the comments have been uploaded as "national" comments, you will see the message: Comments have been successfully uploaded. Click on this message to close the upload files window and go back to the online draft.
You can filter comments with resolution Submitted as national and tag: imported to verify that the imported comments were indeed uploaded as "national" comment.
Discard national comments (make "un-national")
Comments already submitted as national comments can be discarded. To do so, click on the three dots menu on the comment card and select Discard, enter a motivation or justification for discarding the comment and click on the Discard button. This national comment itself will be deleted.
Please note
History of discarded comments.
- If the original national contributor's comment was created in the online draft and then submitted as national by the voter, then, upon being discarded, this comment will be available with the status: Not accepted (similar to when national contributor comments are rejected). Once discarded, the comment can be no longer made national.
- However, if the Voter made the comment national directly (while creating a new comment) or imported the comments as national comments, then upon discarding, these comments will no longer be available in the online draft.