Why an XML editor to develop standards online

In this article:

  1. Current Standards Development process
  1. Online Standards Development (OSD) process
  1. Support for revisions in OSD

1 Current Standards Development process

The current standard development process includes two key steps: Content creation process and ISOCS internal editing.

The content creation process (authoring and commenting) is based on the Word simple template. It is a decentralized, uncollaborative and unstructured process.

The editorial process is itself based on XML, the word document is transformed into XML and many outputs are created throughout the standard development process in Word, PDF and XML. This process is lengthy and error-prone.

2 Online Standards Development process

The Online Standards Development (OSD) aims to replace the word-based content creation process with a friendly collaborative editor that helps standard developers creating complex structured content (based on XML) right from the start. An XML first process not only facilitate the editorial processing, it also enables better content quality at an earlier stages of standard development as editorial directives rules are embedded into the system.

3 Support for revision in OSD

The OSD is setup to produce XML in the latest version of NISO STS and latest version of the ISO IEC coding guidelines. This encoding greatly differs from the XML encoding of ISO standards published before 2018 and therefore unfortunately the Online Document mode is currently not available for the revision of those standards.

To activate an online document for a revision please complete the  online questionnaire. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

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