Meeting KPI reports

In this article

Committee performance

Member performance

Membership and Contacts

This article is relevant for:

Working area: ISO meetings, CEN meetings

The platform you are using can contain international, regional and national working areas. 

The following article contains information that is only relevant in the context of activities carried out for ISO or CEN. For activities carried out for a national organization please refer to those applicable guidelines. 

The below reports are available from ISO or CEN portal, from the Metrics & Data section at the bottom of the page. 

Committee performance

Attendance to meetings of committees, sub-committees and working groups based on the role of the person accessing the report.
Accessible to Committee managers (TC and SC), Secretaries, Standard Development Directors, and ISO/TMB Committee members.

Member performance

Partial view of a member's participation to meetings, limited to where the member was represented.
Accessible to Committee managers (TC and SC), Secretaries, Standard Development Directors, and ISO/TMB Committee members.

Membership and Contacts

List of Meeting Coordinators & Meeting Participant Approvers.
Accessible to all logged-in users

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