OSD - Virtual Resource Orientation Sessions

Resource orientation sessions guide you through all the resources available on Online Standards Development (OSD). The session run once a month. Please select one of the below date and register

Tuesday October 22nd  - 9:00am (UTC/GMT+2)- Register here

Tuesday October 22nd  - 4:00pm (UTC/GMT+2) - Register here

Tuesday November 26th – 9:30 – 10:00 am (UTC/GMT +2) - Register here

Tuesday November 26th  – 3:30 – 4:00 pm (UTC/GMT +2) - Register here

Tuesday December17th – 9:30 – 10:00 am (UTC/GMT +2) - Register here

Tuesday December17th  – 2:30 –3:00 pm (UTC/GMT +2) - Register here

Cannot attend any of the above session? Watch the video here!

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