ISO and IEC OSD - is it different?

ISO and IEC have developed a new Online Standards Development (OSD) platform which aims at providing the technical community with a unique and harmonized platform for online standards development, from the preliminary stage through to publication. 

ISO and IEC have jointly configured the online editor together and therefore all functions such as drafting, commenting, resolving comments, validate content quality rules, etc. are the same. In addition, ISO and IEC have harmonized their implementation of the NISO STS Standards which means that there are no longer any difference in the XML produced at the end of the standard development chain.

The online editor is exactly the same for ISO and IEC, however the integration within their own ecosystem is different since ISO and IEC have different IT environment and different systems to support their standard development process. For example, ISO accesses online documentation through the Projects application, while IEC uses a different system. At ISO, Committee Managers can activate the online document mode, whereas this has to be done by IEC Central Secretariat and both organization managed permissions differently as this is an integration to the ISO/IEC ecosystem.

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