Post voting decision process

This article is relevant for:

Committee Manager, PC Secretary & support teams

Please note

  • Committee Manager (CM), Twinned Committee Manager (Twinned CM), Committee Manager Support Team (CM Support Team) roles refer to TCs and SCs only
  • Secretary, Twinned Secretary, Secretary Support Team roles refer to Working Groups (WG), Policy committees, and Governance committees.

Access Post-voting decision

The Post-voting decision process can be accessed either from the ballot Result tab:

or from ISO Projectsr from ISO Projects

Post-voting decision process step-by-step

The Post-voting decision process is organized in five steps:

1 Welcome page

The Welcome page is the start of the process. It allows to:

  • start a new decision process
  • resume an ongoing decision process
  • view the status of a decision
  • review the status of a closed decision process and download the respective ISO/IEC form submitted to ISO/CS.

The text displayed in the Welcome page is adapted to the status of the Post-voting decision process. It will indicate the different possible actions the user can perform (i.e. start the decision process, resume or finalize an on-going decision, etc.)

The screenshot below illustrates an example of Welcome page where a decision process has already started. The only possible action here is to resume the process by clicking on Review decision wizard.

Please note

When a decision process has already been started, information about last saved time and user are displayed.

2 Acceptance criteria

This second step reviews the ballot results against the corresponding acceptance criteria stated in ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1 and in any relevant TMB resolutions.

The application indicates if the acceptance criteria have been met or not. The acceptance criteria drives and constrain the possible decisions that can be taken in the next step.

Correspondence with acceptance criteria are automatically calculated by the system according to ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1 and any related TMB resolutions.

Should the Committee Manager/PC Secretary notice any discrepancy or flaw in the acceptance criteria correspondence, or should he/she believe that the decision process cannot handle the committee's exceptions, it is possible to Switch back to a manual decision.

Please note

Related ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1 and TMB resolutions are listed and accessible in the Contextual menu (right side of the screen). 

Related articles

For more detailed information about manual decision, please refer to the related article(s) at the bottom of the page.

The example below shows the acceptance criteria step for a New Work Item Proposal ballot where both acceptance criteria are met (simple majority of the voting P-members and number of participating P-members having nominated experts).

For some specific acceptance criteria it is possible to supplement the ballot results and/or force an acceptance criterion to be met; e.g. this is possible for the expert nomination criteria or the consensus one.

Please note

Supplement ballot results: In order to reflect further discussions that happened after the ballot closure, the Committee Manager/Secretary can add one or several P-members nominating experts directly in the application as shown in the next page.

Please note

"The table above lists the P-members that have declared their commitment to participate actively in the project. If any P-member listed above who has committed to participate actively but unable to provide a name during the ballot, they have two weeks following the ballot closure to name their expert. If this deadline is not met, the P-member's participation will not be counted, which thereby may affect the result of the ballot. (Note: P-members that have not declared their commitment to participate actively in the project cannot name an expert at this stage.)

3 Decision

This step helps deciding the foreseen project route based on the outcome of the acceptance criteria step.Select the stage, from the displayed list, to which the project should move on.

Please note

The type of decision can change depending on the project type (e.g. International Standard, Technical Specification, Technical Report, etc.) and the project stage

4 Extra information

Enter any additional information relating to the decision. This information is automatically reported in the appropriate form corresponding to the project stage. The PVD interface prompts for the required information (e.g. proposed development track, experts' information, additional comments, etc.).

Please note

During the process, the user can review the auto-filled form anytime by clicking on View decision form in the Contextual menu. Note that a form is not required for all decisions' types. For instance, if the decision is to repeat the earlier stage, then no form will be generated since it is not required.

When a form is required and thus generated by the system, the Secretary will be given two options for the upload of the generated form to his/her committee working area:

a. The option to have the form automatically uploaded and N-numbered to ISO Documents

Please note

The form will be automatically assigned an N-Number and uploaded to ISO Documents in folder 04. Projects (using the next N-number available in the committee working area).


The automatic upload option is only available if the committee is hosted on ISO Documents (ISO eCommittees)

Naming convention

If the automatic submission is selected, the resulting document will be posted in the corresponding committee workspace on SD Documents in a subfolder within the Projects folder. 

  • Subfolder name: [Document number]-[part] (for example “ISO 8466-1”)
  • Document information:
    • Type: Ballot
    • Title: [Form number] – [Ballot reference].pdf  (In the ballot reference, replace spaces or ":" or "(" or ")" characters by an underscore) , e.g. 
      1. Form 6 – ISO_NP 4673.pdf
      2. Form 13 – ISO_DIS 24343-2.pdf
      3. Form 21 – ISO_SR 4554_2014.pdf
      4. Form 21 – ISO_17742_2015_ed1.pdf 
    • Description: none
    • Subtype: Form
    • Ballot reference: reference of the closed ballot
    • Ballot type: type of the closed ballot
    • Project reference: reference of the project
    • Expected action: info
    • Expected Date: none
    • Document status: To be notified
    • Rendition: None

b. The option to manually upload the form to his/her committee working area.

Please note

An N-number is required in order to prefix the form’s title with it and stamp it within the form (where applicable, some forms don’t require the N-number, e.g. form 8A).

Make sure the entered N-Number is reserved on the system hosting the committee documents.

5 Confirmation

Two choices are available:

a. Finalize the committee decision and proceed with stage update. 

This will inform the ISO/CS TPM of the committee's decision and update automatically the project stage ( except for some stages where the stage update is subject to ISO/CS validation, in that case an email will be sent to ISO/CS for action, e.g. NP approval (10.99), or TR/TS/PAS withdrawal (90.99)).


Once proceeded, the decision cannot be changed within the Post-voting decision application! 

b. Suspend the decision process wizard pending committee review

If the committee is not yet ready to proceed with the project to a further stage, the decision can be postponed. This action will suspend the process and save all entered information. The process can be resumed anytime once the committee has reached a final decision.

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