General Assembly ballots
In this article
General Assembly ballots
General Assembly ballots, when taking place by correspondence, are organized via the ISO Ballots application. Only member bodies, registered in the Global Directory with a voter right in the respective groups are able to cast a vote.
Please note
For more information about General Assembly, decision making by General Assembly please refer to the ISO Statutes and Rules of Procedure.
Currently there are two types of ballots for the General Assembly in the e-balloting application:
- The ballots under the ISO General Assembly (ISO/GA) group are Committee Internal Ballots (CIB) where voting is restricted to the CEOs of member bodies.
- The ballots under the General Assembly Anonymized Ballots (GAAB) group are Anonymized Ballots (ANZ) where voting and access are restricted to the CEOs of member bodies.
Anonymized ballot
Anonymized ballots were introduced in August 2020 and this type of ballots was implemented exclusively for governance groups to elect new members to ISO governance groups. The main difference between this and the other type of ballots is that once an anonymized ballot is closed, the voter’s name is hidden and all vote details become anonymized.
How to access the ballots
Shortcuts to these ballots have been shared with you in the Secretary-General’s letter sent by email from You may also access them via the ISO Ballots application from the ISO application portal, by clicking on Ballots and then on Committee Internal Balloting or on Anonymized Ballots.
You will be prompted for a username and password and if you need assistance to recover your credentials, please refer to this article. If you are unsure of your password, you may also refer to this article.
Please note
If you do not have any anonymized ballots listed once you are in the ISO Ballots application, you may be missing the voter role. If you believe this is a mistake, please contact for support.
Cast a vote
Get support
Should you face any technical issue (unable to login, not sure about your credentials etc.) please contact the ISO International helpdesk team. For any questions related to governance rules please contact the ISO Governance team.