In this article
The preferences page is accesible from the Portal. From the left navigation menu, click on Preferences.
Reset password
Please note
Please keep our systems safe: never share your user name and password with others.
To increase the security, the process to reset your password is now in two steps (you will need to consecutively go to two different pages with secured links).
To reset your password
1. Open (or if you only have national roles).
2. Click on I forgot my password.
3. You will get referred to the page on which you need to input the email address you have been registered with and click the Submit instructions button. Note: If the request was made by your User administrator from the Global Directory, you will get a link to this page in a first email.
- An email will then be sent to you with the link to the page where you can set/change your password.
The link in the email is only valid 1 hour.
Password requirements
The password must :
- be of minimum 8 characters (max. 64)
- include letters, and at least two numerical digits and one special character
- and cannot contain any of the ISO acronyms such as ISO, TC, SC, WG etc.
Please find below a list of what is meant by special characters:
- ! (exclamation mark)
- @ (at symbol)
- # (hashtag or pound symbol)
- $ (dollar sign)
- % (percent sign)
- ^ (caret or circumflex)
- & (ampersand)
- * (asterisk)
- ( (left parenthesis)
- ) (right parenthesis)
- _ (underscore)
- + (plus sign)
- { (left curly brace)
- } (right curly brace)
- [ (left square bracket)
- ] (right square bracket)
- | (vertical bar or pipe)
- \ (backslash)
- : (colon)
- ; (semicolon)
- " (double quote)
- ' (singe quote)
- < (less than)
- >(greater than)
- , (comma)
- . (period or dot)
- ? (question mark)
- / (forward slash)
Please note
- The reset password email is only valid for 1 hour. After that period you will need to repeat this procedure.
- The reset password instructions will only be sent to a valid and recognized email address. if you are unsure about your email address, please contact us.
Change password
Please keep our systems safe. Never share your user name and password with others.
You must be logged in to access the Portal.
Your password, as well as some of your personal information, can be updated by clicking on Preferences from the ISO portal page (left side menu), then accessing the Security Preferences section.
Change personal information
Your email address can only be updated by the user administrator of the organization administrating your account.
Your personal information can be updated from My profile section, once logged in on the portal.
If you are unsure of who to contact from your national standards body, please refer to the List of User Administrators of Global Directory available in the Performance indicators & Extractions page.
Please note
If your account is administrated by ISO, please contact TC support.
Change applications language
The language preference defined in the Preferences page of the Portal only apply to the Documents platform. To update the language of the Meetings platform, please refer to this article.
The Documents platform is currently available in the following languages:
- English
- French
- Spanish (Courtesy of UNE)
- Dutch (Courtesy of NEN)
- Swedish (Courtesy of SIS)
- Italian (Courtesy of UNI)
- Japanese (Courtesy of JISC)
Please note
Change frequency of documents automatic notifications (Notifications scheduling)
When registered in a national committee, you will be sent a notification with the list of recently published documents within the scope of your national committee or related ISO or CEN mirror committees. The default frequency has been defined by your National Standards Body but this menu allows you to update the frequency at which you receive these emails.
The options are:
- daily
- weekly
- opt out (depending on your National Standards Body)
The time and days are predefined by your National Standards Body and cannot be changed individually.
If you do not want to be involved in national committees anymore, please contact the Member Body User Administrator (MBUA) of your country. Please refer to this article to identify this person.