ISO Content tab

In this article

ISO Content tab - Overview

Favorite international projects

International project documents

This article is relevant for:

All users with relevant roles in national committees that are mapped to international (ISO) committees

The ISO Content tab contains a list of projects managed by the national committee's mirrored ISO committees. It allows national users to follow their favorite ISO projects and access all documents related to those projects. It is:

  • displayed only for the national committees that mirror one/more ISO committees
  • not available for national committees with no mirrored ISO committees

ISO Content tab - access ISO projects

Click on the  ISO Content tab of a national committee to view a list of ISO projects managed by all the mapped ISO mirror committees.

  • Click on a hyperlinked project name to access the details of the project in the ISO Projects platform.
  • Click on the See all projects (<ISO committee name>) hyperlink to view a list of all projects managed by this committee. You will be redirected to a predefined search screen in the ISO Projects platform.

Favorite international projects

  • Click on the Star icon next to a project name to follow the project as a favorite
  • Projects marked as a favorite will be listed in the Favorite international project documents widget
  • A document icon will be displayed next to the projects marked as favorite.

International project documents

  •  The document icon displayed for favorite projects will indicate the number of documents available for this particular project.
  • Click on the document to view and access all documents related to international project.

Please note

All national users with an active user account in the ISO Global Directory can access the ISO Projects platform.

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