In-document (cross-) references

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Add a cross-reference

To add a cross-reference to an element that is elsewhere in the same standards document (like a table, a figure or another clause), select Link, then Cross-reference from the REFERENCE tab and select the element you want to cross-reference to. The label of the element will automatically be inserted in your text.

Please note

  • The label of the cross-reference will automatically be updated should the referenced element change numbering
  • With version 1.5, it is also possible to cross reference list items

Cross-referencing list items

To add a cross-reference to a specific list item that is elsewhere in the same standards document, select Link, then Cross-reference from the REFERENCE tab and select the list item from the specific list within the same or different (sub)clause. The label of the list item will automatically be inserted in your text.

Please note

  • Only numbered list items can be referenced
  • If the numbering of a cross-referenced list item is updated (for instance from a to b), the cross-reference's number will be updated

Cross-referencing terminological entries

To cross-refer to an existing term entry under Terms and definitions, select the word or phrase, and either :

  • go to the  INSERT menu, and click on the Term entry drop down arrow and select Link to existing term entry
  • go to REFERENCE menu and select Link to existing term entry

To convert any word or phrase into a term entry in your draft, select it, go to the INSERT menu, and click on Term entry. The selected word is added as a new term entry under Terms and definitions clause and it is also automatically cross-referenced to the newly created term entry.

Modify cross-reference

To change the cross-referenced element, click on the cross-reference and select Edit. The cross-reference modal will open, and another element can be selected to link (cross-reference too).

Remove cross-reference

To remove cross-referenced element, click on the cross-reference and select Remove. The link to the cross-referenced element will be deleted.

Related articles

  • To add a reference to a standard, book, journal or website, refer to the article Add references in the normative references & bibliography clauses

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