Setting up project team
In this article
Access Document Permissions dashboard
Document Permissions dashboard overview
Switch permission in case of multiple role in a committee/WG
This article is relevant for:
LEADER (Committee and WG officers)
By default, Working Group (WG) experts have READ ONLY access to the online document during drafting and comment resolution stages and WG Convenors, Project Leader and Committee Manager are LEADER.
To know more about each roles and permissions, refer to the article OSD permissions referenced at the bottom of this article.
During drafting and comment resolution stages ( stages 00.00, 00.20, 00.60, 10.00, 10.60, 20.00, 20.60, 30.00 and 30.60), LEADER can change the default permissions for experts and create a project with working group members which are involved in the drafting and the resolution of comments.
- Permissions during the NP ballot, WD study and CD consultation (respectively stages 10.20, 20.20 and 30.20) are set by default and cannot be modified by the officers.
- Known bug for Firefox users: the browser currently blocks the Document permissions management board to open (see next section's screenshot). If you need to manage permissions (Committee officers), please use a different browser like Edge or Chrome.
Access Document Permissions dashboard
The Document Permissions dashboard can be accessed by LEADER from the TOOLS and other actions menu.
Document Permissions dashboard overview
The Document Permissions dashboard displays the list of all the working group members and their default permission in the online document. The list is driven by the Global Directory and includes all the Working Group members.
Field | Description |
Last Name; First Name | Name of the person as registered in the Global Directory |
OSD role | the default role of the expert in the online document. Note: The role depends on the stage of the document. more information in this article OSD Permissions |
Committee role | The role of the person in the Global Directory in the committee/WG |
Username | The email address of the expert |
Permission type | DIRECT: The person has a direct role in the WG developing the draft VERTICAL: The person has a role in the parent committee (e.g. Committee Manager of TC 8 and document is developed in ISO/TC 8/WG1) MANUAL: The permission has been manually changed by the leader (see next section) |
Actions | Action to change the role of the person |
Change default permission
To change the permission for a member, click on the relevant action icon:
The list of member your can see is driven by the Global Directory. It list all the direct role on the document. The officers of the TC and SC also have access to the document but they are not listed here because they do not have a direct role in the WG.
Change the role as appropriate by clicking on the respective icons:
grant Author role to selected member | |
grant Contributor role to selected member | |
grant Reader role to selected member |
The role is immediately updated and the permission type is now set to Manual.

Assign the role of Leader
The role of LEADER is assigned automatically to the Committee Manager, WG Convenor and WG Secretary (incl. support team), and Project Leader. The role of LEADER cannot therefore be assigned from the Document Permissions dashboard.
User role visibility
The same user may have different roles between different online drafts. Your current role is displayed in the top right corner of the online draft.
Switch permission in case of multiple role in a committee or WG
It may happen that the same user has more than one role within the same online draft. In this case, you can change your current role using the following menu : in the Tools menu, click on Other actions and select Change current role. The screen is refreshed once you selected a different role to adapt to the new permissions.
Please note
- This menu only shows if you do have different roles granting you different permissions for the same document.
- To know more about each roles and permissions, refer to the article OSD permissions referenced at the bottom of this article.