OSD Permissions

Roles in OSD

The table below lists the roles in the OSD platform.

Role in OSD Authoring and other permissions
Commenting permissions Export permissions
Reader Read only mode (cannot add or modify content)
None None
Contributor Read only mode (cannot add or modify content)

Can provide comments and propose changes on the document

Can reply to comments and proposals

Can export document in Word and HTML

Can write document content

Can create clauses and sub-clauses

Can provide comments and propose changes on the document

Can reply to comments and proposals

Can export document in Word and HTML
Leader (For Committee* and WG officers** only)

Can write content in the document and create clauses

Can accept/reject author changes

Can unlock all clauses

Can define project team

Can provide comments and propose changes on the document

Can reply to comments and proposals

Can resolve comments and manage tags and topics

Can import comments (upload from file)

Can export document in Word and HTML

Can export document in PDF during Enquiry and Approval stage only

Can export comments and comment resolution


Read only mode (cannot add or modify content)

Can view all national comments from own NSB

Can edit/delete national comments

Can resolve (accept or reject) national comments

Can import national comments

Can add new comments

Can export document in Word and HTML

Can export document in PDF during DIS and FDIS ballot

Can export national comments (own NSB)

* Committees officers: TC/SC officers (Committee Manager, Committee Manager support team, Twinned Committee Manager, Chairperson, Chairperson support team, Vice Chairperson, Chair-elect) 

** WG Officers: Convenor, Convenor/Secretary support team, Twinned Convenor, WG Secretary and Project Leader

Default permissions for WG and Committee

The diagrams below show the default permissions in OSD for WG and Committee, excluding commenting stages (consultations and ballot). During drafting and comment resolution stages, the Leaders can modify the default permissions of the WG experts to setup a project team.

Permissions for voters

Detailed permissions per project stage

Preliminary stage

Proposal stage

Preparatory stage

Committee stage

Enquiry stage

Approval stage

Permissions for NMC members

During the CD Consultation, DIS/FDIS ballot, NMC members have access to the online document to provide their national comments. The access by NMC members depends on the mapping of the national committee with the ISO Committee in the Global Directory and on the national role.

The National Committee (NMC) must map either the WG or the committee in which the project is developed.

For example, if the project is developed in ISO/TC 34/SC 8/WG 6, the NMC must map either the ISO/TC 34/SC 8 or the ISO/TC 34/SC 8/WG 6.

Permissions for NMC members

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