Disapprove a registration

In this article

Disapprove a registration

This article is relevant for:

Permission level: Meeting participant approver (MPA)

Disapprove a registration

A registration that is in Confirmed status can be disapproved by the MPA (of same organization/committee). Disapproval can only be done by MPA. The participant cannot re-approve neither register again for the same NSB/Liaison for which he has been disapproved. The participant and his/her associated guests can therefore not attend the meeting nor the social events. A disapproved registration can be re-approved by the MPA only if the participant has not been registered by another NSB/Liaison. The registration will automatically go back to the Confirmed status. To disapprove a registration:

  1. Click on the status of the participant and select Disapprove

Please note:

A registration can only be disapproved/re-approved if the meeting has not yet started.

Once a registration has been disapproved, it will appear as such in the attendance list:

To re-approve a registration:

  1. Click on status context menu and modify it to Reapprove

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