View attendance and participation to meeting

This article is relevant for:

Permission levels: Meeting Organizer; Meeting Participant Approver (MPA) having registered participant to the meeting; Participants; Meeting Coordinator (MC) of the country hosting the meeting

Please note

  • The attendance is the list of participants registered for a meeting. 
  • The participation is the participation of members and liaisons to a specific meeting. 
  • The attendance and participation can be seen from the meeting details page.

View attendance to meeting

From the meeting details page you can view a summary of the number of participants registered so far for the meeting and their status

To view the list of participants click on Manage or on the Attendance tab at the top of the page.

Each participant information is summarized as follows:

You can filter the attendance list using any criteria. For example you can search for a specific name, for all the Expert or for delegate of a specific NSB or Liaison

View participation to meeting

TC and SC meetings

From the meeting details page, you can view a summary of the participation of National Standard Body and Liaisons of the committee.

A liaison or organization is considered as confirmed if it has at least one confirmed participant representing the liaison or organization respectively.


In an ISO meeting, if there are 10 P-members for a committee and one of the P-member has at least one participant confirmed, then the system will show that 10% of P-Members are confirmed.

WG meetings

The participation shows the number of experts and liaisons representative already registered to the WG meeting. The percentage is based on the total number of experts and/or LRs registered in the GD for the WG


If there are 10 Committee Members registered for the WG in GD and one Committee Member is registered for the meeting, the system will show that 10% of experts are confirmed.

View participation type in Hybrid meeting

Go to the Attendance tab of an Hybrid meeting.

Participants will be displayed along with their participation type: either Virtual or Face-to-Face

It will be possible to filter the attendance list by the type of participation in Hybrid meetings

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