Update password and personal information

Update password and personal information

Update your password - Security Preferences


Please keep our systems safe. Never share your user name and password with others.

You must be logged in to the ISO Portal in order to view the Preferences menu (see related article login to ISO applications)

Your password, as well as some of your personal information, can be updated by clicking on Preferences from the ISO portal page (left side menu), then accessing the Security Preferences section.

Update your personal information - Profile


Your email address can only be updated by the user administrator of the organization administrating your account.

Your personal information can be updated from "My profile" section, once you are logged in on the portal.

If you are unsure of who to contact from your national standards body, please refer to the List of User Administrators of Global Directory  available in the  Performance indicators & Extractions page.

Please note

If your account is administrated by ISO, please contact TC support.

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