Cloning ballot and consultation

In this article

Cloning ad-hoc ballot

This article is relevant for:

Committee Manager, PC Secretary; Convenor, WG Secretary; & support teams;

Please note

  • Committee Manager (CM), Twinned Committee Manager (Twinned CM), Committee Manager Support Team (CM Support Team) roles refer to technical committees and their sub-committees only.
  • Secretary, Twinned Secretary, Secretary/Convenor Support Team roles refer to Working Groups (WG), Policy committees, and Governance committees.

Cloning ballot and consultation


Only ad-hoc CIB ballots and WG Consultation can be cloned. Other ballot types that are based on template of questionnaire cannot be cloned (e.g. NP, CD, DTS ballots, etc.).

Cloning an ad-hoc ballot or WG consultation will create a new ballot/consultation by copying the questions and answers from an existing one. After cloning the ballot/consultation you will still have to define metadata (i.e. reference, title, start and end date, etc.) and will be able to edit the copied questions and answers. 

From the list of ballots/consultation that are displayed, open the function menu of the corresponding ballot/consultation you wish to clone and select Clone this ballot (copy questions & answers).

Click OK in the pop-up window for confirmation. You will then be redirected to the usual 4-step wizard.


When cloning a ballot/consultation, reference documents are not copied.

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