Editing existing ballots

In this article

Modify metadata

Modify reference documents and links

Modify questions/answers for ad-hoc ballots

This article is relevant for:

Committee Manager, PC Secretary & support teams

Please note

  • Committee Manager (CM), Twinned Committee Manager (Twinned CM), Committee Manager Support Team (CM Support Team) roles refer to technical committees and their sub-committees only.
  • Secretary, Twinned Secretary, Secretary/Convenor Support Team roles refer to Working Groups (WG), Policy committees, and Governance committees.

Modify metadata

To update ballot metadata, i.e. ballot reference, title, start date, and end date, or ballot status (clause a ballot) click on the function menu (little blue arrow) next to Metadata and select Edit.

Please note

Once a ballot is Open, no notifications are sent in case of modifications to the end date of the ballot. Therefore, the Committee Manager must inform the group.

Modify any of the metadata as appropriate and click Submit to finish editing.

Some information on the different values in the Ballot status field:

Ballot Status Explanation Visibility of the ballot
Created The ballot is created (completion of stages 1 to 3 of the ballot creation process) Committee Manager, PC Secretary, and support teams
Open The ballot has opened for voting after reaching the Opening Date. Email notifications regarding the opening of the ballot are sent to the ballot audience. Votes can be cast and comments submitted Voter/commenter: Ballot information and ballot document(s); own vote and comments. Committee Manager/ PC Secretary/Support teams: the same, plus all votes and comments submitted at a certain point in time
Closed The ballot has closed for voting after reaching the closing date. Email notifications regarding the closing of the ballot are sent to the ballot audience. The ballot result is fixed and changes to the ballot are no longer possible Voter/Commenter: Ballot information and ballot document(s); Voting results Committee Manager/ PC Secretary/Support teams: Same as voter/commenter

Modify reference documents and links

Open the information screen of the ballot on which you want to modify the reference document(s):

To update reference documents and links, click on the function menu (little blue arrow) next to Reference documents and links and select the appropriate option.

Modify questions/answers for ad-hoc ballots

Please note

Questions/answers can only be modified if the ballot is in status Created (i.e. the ballot has not opened for voting yet)

To update the questions/answers of an Ad hoc CIB ballot, click on the function menu (little blue arrow) next to Questions and answers and click on Edit.

For detailed instructions on how to edit questions and answers, please refer to the article Create ad-hoc ballot.

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