Project details (overview tab)

Please note

  • Committee Manager (CM), Twinned Committee Manager (Twinned CM), Committee Manager Support Team (CM Support Team) roles refer to TCs and SCs only
  • Secretary, Twinned Secretary, Secretary Support Team roles refer to Working Groups (WG), Policy committees, and Governance committees.
  • CEN committees continue to have the role: CEN Secretary

Project header

This section contains key data to identify the project such as reference, edition number, project ID, and the developing committee. For standards/deliverables, the edition date is also displayed in the header of the project.

The corrected version is displayed below the edition date with the information of which language is concerned, when applicable. If the project/standard is part of the Vienna Agreement, a yellow "Vienna agreement" flag is displayed. The Action menu allows you to access the any actions currently open for this project, and will vary depending on the project's current stage. You can also directly access ISO Documents page of the Committee clicking on the committee reference.

For JTC 1 standards registered as stabilized, this information is displayed in the header under the reference of the committee with a green flag.


This card provides you with the title in all available languages. Clicking or unclicking on the language code will display or remove the titles from the card.


The Timeline shows the full life cycle activity related to the project (including balloting period, DIS limit date, target date, and publication limit date). It also shows you any related meeting dates of the developing and owning committee with a direct link to access the meeting details in ISO Meetings. If two events are too close together on the page to see them correctly, you have the possibility to zoom on the timeline.

The timeline of the standard development work is now visible so that anyone may view the project's development time, even after publication. The published timeline starts from the publication date and provides you with information related to any historic or upcoming Systematic Review (SR) ballots for this project.

For a standard that is withdrawn, no timeline is displayed by default but the user still has the possibility to see both the Development and Published timelines by clicking the appropriate links on the top right of the timeline.


This card displays all past and future stages of a project or a standard, including limit and target dates. By default, the matrix displays only the current stage information. Committee Manager/PC Secretary as well as their support team can add a target date for upcoming stages 

If your project is developed online (through OSD), the column Go to draft provides a quick access to the current and archived versions of the online document. The respective icons only appear if there is an active online draft and some archived versions.

This icon opens the current version of the draft in the Online document tab

This icon opens the archived online version of the draft corresponding to the selected stage

When you are viewing an archived version of the draft, you can return to the latest current version by clicking on the hyperlink in the banner as shown below.

Related articles

  • For more information about how to set target date, please refer to the related articles at the bottom of this page.
  • For more information about how to activate an online document (OSD), please refer to the related articles at the bottom of this page.

Related projects or standards

This card displays all projects or standards that are related to the project. By default, the menus are all closed but you may click on the + icon to expand the view. Clicking on the ISO related project or standard will open its Project details page.

The following related projects may appear in this list:

Revised by Displays the project(s) or the standard(s) that revises this project/standard
Revises Displays the standard(s) that the project/standard revises
Parallel Displays the reference of the project/standard that is in parallel (e.g. EN ISO 9001: 2008 (CEN reference))
Adopted from Displays the reference of the standard that is adopted for this project/standard (e.g. Rec. ITU-T X.603 (03/2012))
Merged of Displays the project/standard that is merged into this project/standard
Merged into Displays the project/standard that merges into this project/standard
Split of Displays the project/standard that is split into this project/standard
Split into Displays the project/standard that splits into this project/standard
Amended or corrected by Displays the corrigendum/amendment that is attached to this project/standard
Amends or corrects Displays the project/standard from which this project/standard is attached to


This card displays all ballots that were registered or are planned during the project lifecycle (NP, CD, DIS, FDIS, SR). The last column displays the result of DIS and FDIS ballots (Approved or Disapproved),

Can click the hyperlink of each ballot to view the ballot details directly in the balloting. This function is only available to users with the appropriate permissions registered in the Global Directory for this committee.


This card displays the names of each person in charge of the key roles defined in the project. You now have a direct access to the EPM contact name and Convenor of the Working Group. Using the small envelope icon, you will be able to directly open your mail browser to contact the person.


This section gives direct access to the last version of the documents currently available on the STADIST download area.

Please note

This card is only available to users with the appropriate permissions registered in the Global Directory for this committee.

By default, the menus are closed. To expand the view, click on the + icon.

To access and download the PDF document, click on “Character PDF document”

CEN information

If a project is developed in parallel with CEN, this card displays all available CEN information, including the relation, the work item, the CEN committee, and contact information for the CEN Secretary

Associated committees

This card displays the committees that are associated with this project/standard.

IEC information

This card displays the IEC committee(s) that is associated with the project/standard.

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