Manage meeting documents
This article is relevant for:
Permission level: Meeting organizer of ISO, and National committees (ISOlutions members onboarded to national meetings) and CEN committees migrated to Documents
Upload meeting documents
In the Tasks section, you will find a list of documents to be uploaded as list of tasks to be performed during the organization of the meeting. By clicking on the hyperlinked keywords, a form will open to upload the associated document. To upload a new document, please provide the following information:
- Document title
- File to be uploaded
- Optional: a description
Documents uploaded will be categorized automatically (for example type = Meeting, subtype = agenda, meeting reference and expected date as meeting closing date) and uploaded in Documents in the Meetings folder in a subfolder named after the meeting information. If this folder does not exist, it will be created automatically. Uploading documents from Meetings will also automatically tick the task and consider it completed.
Naming convention
The meeting folder automatically created will be named according to this logic:
- [meeting number][meeting location][Start MMM][YYYY]
- For example: "34th New York (United States) Jan 2020" or "21st Virtual Jul 2021"
Documents are pushed in status To be notified and need to be notified manually to be available to the rest of the committee audience. When uploading the document, a direct link to the document is temporarily displayed for you to navigate to Documents directly.
Access meeting documents
Meeting documents are located in the Documents platform. There are multiple ways of accessing them:
- From the Documents platform, navigate to the committee workspace, from the Meeting documents widget, find the meeting you are interested in and click on the button on the right
- From the Documents platform, open the Committee documents search, then open the Project/Meeting/Ballot pickers section and select the meeting you are interested in.
- From the Meetings platform, open the meeting you are interested in and scroll down to the Documents widget.