Schedule ZOOM meeting for ISO meetings

This article is relevant for:

Working area: ISO meetings

The platform you are using can contain international, regional and national working areas. 

The following article contains information that is only relevant in the context of activities carried out for ISO. For activities carried out for a regional or national organization please refer to those applicable guidelines. 

Permission level: Meeting organizers with an ISO Zoom account only

As a meeting organizer with an ISO Zoom account, you can use the integrated feature to schedule a Zoom meeting only for the meetings, in which you have a direct committee officer role*.

Please note

  • If you do not see the Schedule zoom meeting button for a meeting, the possible reasons are:
    • You are not a meeting organizer for this meeting
    • You do not have an ISO Zoom account
    • You have an ISO Zoom account, but it is not the same as the ISO account you are logged in with.
    • You do not have a direct committee officer role* in the particular, committee, working group, advisory group, etc.
  • As a meeting organizer of a parent committee, you can unlink a linked Zoom meeting for a child committee. You will also continue to be able to manually add the virtual meeting details for child committees and working groups, in which you may not have a direct committee officer role*.

*Direct committee officer role: Committee manager (CM), CM support team, Twinned CM, Secretary, Secretary support team, Twinned secretary, Convenor, Convenor/Secretary support team, Twinned convenor

Scheduling Zoom meeting while creating a new ISO meeting

1  Schedule a meeting (Zoom)

As a committee officer with an ISO ZOOM account, you will now see a new Schedule a new meeting (ZOOM) button while scheduling virtual meetings via the Meetings application. 

  • For Hybrid meetings, the time zone is automatically filled in based on the Face-to-Face (physical) location entered

  • For Virtual meetings, the time zone by default is the time zone of your device. It can be updated manually before clicking on the button.

2  Click OK

A pop-up displaying the properties of the ZOOM meeting to be created will be displayed. The time displayed here is derived from the start time and end time entered in the first screen of meeting creation. Click OK to confirm the Zoom meeting creation.

3  Zoom meeting created

Clicking on OK will fill up the virtual meeting fields automatically. 

  • The Zoom meeting ID created is displayed in the Information message in the bottom right corner and also in the Location details
  • The Location fields, including the URL, and passcode are filled in automatically
  • The Additional virtual meeting details are retrieved from Zoom and filled in automatically

4  Click Create

Clicking on Create will link the Zoom meeting to the ISO meeting and create the ISO meeting. 

Please note

Virtual meetings can be created in Proposed status without entering the virtual meeting details as previously possible. In order to Confirm a meeting, the virtual meeting details will have to be entered.

Scheduling Zoom meeting for an existing ISO meeting

1  Go to Location tab

Go to the Location tab (of meeting with an existing scheduled Zoom meeting)

2  Schedule a meeting (Zoom)

As a committee officer with an ISO ZOOM account, you will now see a new Schedule a new meeting (ZOOM) button while scheduling virtual meetings via the Meetings application. The time zone by default is the time zone on your computer. It can be updated manually before clicking on the button.

3  Click OK

A pop-up displaying the properties of the ZOOM meeting to be created will be displayed. The time displayed here is derived from the start time and end time entered in the first screen of meeting creation. Click  OK to confirm the Zoom meeting creation.

4  Zoom meeting created

Click  OK

  • The Zoom meeting ID created is displayed in the Information message in the bottom right corner and also in the Location details
  • The Location fields, including the URL, and passcode are filled in automatically
  • The Additional virtual meeting details are retrieved from Zoom and filled in automatically

5   Click Apply

Clicking on the Apply button will link the scheduled Zoom meeting to the ISO meeting.


  • Any changes made to the Zoom meeting in the Zoom platform will have to be modified manually in the Meetings platform.
    • Changing the date and time in the Zoom platform will not automatically update the period in the Meetings platform.
    • Changing the password or time zone in the Zoom platform will not automatically update these details in the Location fields in Meetings platform
  • Modifying the period in the Meetings platform will not automatically update this information in the linked Zoom meeting. 
    • If the meeting period is updated, this information will have to be manually updated in the linked Zoom meeting via the Zoom platform. 

      - Or- 

    • The linked Zoom meeting has to be first unlinked. Then, a new Zoom meeting can be scheduled with the updated time period information.
  • Please ensure you double-check the start date, end date and time zone of the meeting before scheduling a new Zoom meeting

Unlink linked ZOOM meeting before meeting is created

Please note

  • To make any modifications to the Location fields (Provider name, URL, passcode) and/or the Additional virtual meeting details text box, the linked Zoom meeting will first have to be unlinked.

Click on the Unlink Zoom meeting button

2  Click OK

Click OK in the Unlink Zoom meeting pop-up window

3  Virtual meeting details cleared

The linked Zoom meeting will be unlinked and the Location fields and the Additional virtual meeting details text box will be cleared. The Schedule a meeting (Zoom) button will be available again to schedule a new Zoom meeting.

Unlink linked ZOOM meeting after meeting is created

1  Go to Location tab and click Unlink Zoom meeting

Go to the Location tab (of meeting with an existing scheduled Zoom meeting)

Click on the Unlink Zoom meeting button

2  Click OK

Click OK in the Unlink Zoom meeting pop-up window

3  Message for unlinking of Zoom meeting displayed

An information requesting you to click on the Apply button to confirm the unlinking will be displayed at the bottom right corner of the screen.

4  Click Apply to Confirm

Please click on the Apply button to confirm the unlinking of the Zoom meeting

5  Zoom meeting unlinked and virtual meeting details cleared

The linked Zoom meeting will be unlinked, and the Location fields and Additional virtual meeting details text box will be cleared. The Schedule a meeting (Zoom) button will be available again to schedule a new Zoom meeting

Please note

  • Unlinking a linked Zoom meeting does not delete the meeting from the Zoom application. Any changes to the unlinked Zoom meeting will have to be made directly in the Zoom application.
  • Please ensure you double-check the start date, end date and time zone of the meeting before scheduling a new Zoom meeting. 

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