Download and share documents

This article is relevant for:

All users allowed to access a committee documents

Download a document

By default, clicking on a document will open it for online reading.

Please note

If the author of a document has chosen to disable online reading, you can view the content of the document, by downloading it.

To download a document, click the download icon located on the top of the screen.

Zip and download

1From the Table view or Grid view, select one or more documents,

2From the top ribbon, click on Zip & Download icon

Please note

To select more than one document:

  1. Select the first document
  2. Press and hold the SHIFT key. If you want to select multiple documents that are not continuous in the list you may press the CTRL button instead of SHIFT.
  3. Select the last document of the list
  4. Release the SHIFT key

Download original document

Please note

This feature is only available to officers.

Often documents are rendered into PDF to limit the revision of the original document. To allow officers to download the file uploaded originally, please click the Download original document icon from the document online reading view.

Share permanent link to a document

It is highly recommended to use this feature to share documents, instead of copy-pasting the URL from the browser. Indeed, the browser URL includes the document title and its folder location. Should the document be moved to a different folder, the shortcut will no longer work. To get a persistent link, please use the Copy link feature that you can find in the menu on the top of the screen (depending on the size of your screen the feature can be in the collapsed menu, for this click on the burger menu to find it) .

Example of resulting URL: The base URL is similar to all documents and only the part in bold varies for each documents. 

Export documents information

Documents' metadata can be extracted using the Export CSV feature. All documents listed in that view (regardless of the selected radio buttons) will be exported with a limit of 2000 documents.

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