Publish and notify document

In this article

Publish and notify one document

Publish and notify multiple documents

This article is relevant for: 

Users with Documents Manager permission level

Publish and notify one document

To be made available to the rest of the committee, an N document must first be published and notified. In Documents these two actions are combined in one single step referred to as document notification. This article explains how to notify documents.


Only documents in status To be Notified can be notified. If you wish to send a message with a published document for reference, please use the send button from the member list.


Documents created in folder Administration and Member area are not N documents and are directly available. They don't need to be notified to be visible to others. 

To notify one document,
1 Tick the radio button next to a document in status To be notified. A blue ribbon at the top of the page will appear with an envelope icon (notify).
2 From the top right, click on the notify icon (envelope). A new screen will open to edit the notification message.
3 Enter the message you wish to share with the committee in the field body. You may update the subject of the message.
4 Send the message by clicking the Notify button

Please note

At this stage, it is not possible to select only some members of the committee for notification. The message is sent to all the direct audience of the committee.

Publish and notify multiple documents

Using a similar approach, documents can be notified from various pages whenever several folders are listed (folder view, committee documents search or the advanced search) you can select various documents at the same time. A blue banner will appear on top of the screen with the notify button. To select various documents, press and hold the SHIFT key (or CTRL)

Please note

In the notifications, documents are grouped by similar action items so recipients are first presented with documents that require action: first those whose expected action is Comment/reply then Vote and finally those for information.

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