Activate online document (OSD)

This article is relevant for:

Committee officers, WG officers

At Preliminary stage (00.xx), Proposal stage (10.xx) and Preparatory stage (20.xx), the Committee Manager (CM) can enable the Working group (WG) to collaborate on an online document.

To do this the CM must follow the following steps.

Prerequisites to activate the online document

  • The project must be registered in Projects
  • The project must be assigned to a Working group (contact your TPM on how to do this)

How to activate the online document

In Projects, search and open your project's detail page. Open the Online document tab and click on the button Activate online document mode.

Once the online document is active, the Committee and WG officers can set up a project team. For more information on how to work with online documents, check the related articles below. 

Related articles


  • The activation of an online document can only be done by the CM
  • Online document is not available for MSS, vocabulary, and multi-langue projects.

How to activate an online document for a revision

To activate an online document for a revision please complete the  online questionnaire. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


The OSD is currently not able to support revision of standards published before 2018. For more information view the article: Why an XML editor to develop standards online

How-to inactivate an online document

In Projects, search and open your project's detail page. In the Online document tab, click on the button Online document deactivation request. This action will send an email to the relevant Technical Programme Manager (TPM) to follow up on your request.

Online document cannot be deactivated during a consultation or ballot. If you are no longer working online, please ensure you request the inactivation of the document before opening the consultation/ballot.


Online Document which are not deactivated will be automatically attached to consultations /ballots and will be submitted to ISOCS for DIS.

To avoid confusion for the Committee Members please ensure you deactivate the document if you are no longer working online.

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