Global Directory roles and permissions

All these roles are managed by the Member Body User Administrator (MBUA) responsible for the management of your account. To identify who is the MBUA responsible for your account, please refer to this article

Please note

  • Committee Manager (CM), Twinned Committee Manager (Twinned CM), Committee Manager Support Team (CM Support Team) roles refer to technical committees and their sub-committees only.
  • Secretary, Twinned Secretary, Secretary/Convenor Support Team roles refer to Working Groups (WG), Policy committees, and Governance committees.

Committee manager (TC or SC)

Formerly known as Secretary

Individual providing day-to-day management and administrative services for the work of a technical committee or subcommittee. One individual only. Mandatory role for all TCs and SCs.

This role is maintained by ISO/CS, please contact to have this role updated. 


ISO Documents : All permissions on committee documents. Please refer to this article for more details.

ISO Ballots: Full access to CIB ballots of the committee, read access to DIS/FDIS/SR closed ballot

Other ISO services:   Access to the PDF files of standards for the committee via the STADIST newsletter

Twinned Committee manager (TC or SC)

Formerly known as Twinned secretary

Individual appointed by another member body, who supports the main member body in providing the functions of secretary. One individual only.

This role is maintained by ISO/CS, please contact to have this role updated. 


Same as Committee manager

Committee manager support team (TC or SC)

Formerly known as Secretary support team

Assistant(s) or support staff of the secretary of a committee. One or more individuals.


ISO Documents : All permissions on committee documents

ISO Ballots: Full access to CIB ballots of the committee, read access to DIS/FDIS/SR closed ballot

Other ISO services: None

Convenor (WG)

"Chair" of a working group.

This role is maintained by ISO/CS, please contact to have this role updated. 


ISO Documents: All permissions on committee documents

ISO Ballots: Full access to WG consultations

Other ISO services:   None

Twinned Convenor (WG)

Individual appointed by another member body, which supports the main member body in providing the functions of convenor.


Same as Convenor

Secretary (WG)

Secretary of a working group. This role is optional for WGs.

This role is maintained by ISO/CS, please contact to have this role updated. 


Same as Convenor

Secretary / Convenor support team (WG)

Assistant(s) or support staff of the secretary or convenor of a working group. One or more individuals.


Same as Convenor


The chairperson of a TC is responsible for the overall management of that technical committee, including any subcommittees and working groups. One individual only.

This role is maintained by ISO/CS, please contact to have this role updated. 


ISO Documents: Read access to all committee documents

ISO Ballots: Can see open & closed ballots

Other ISO services:   None


Individual appointed up to one year before the end of the term of the existing chair. The individual shall be referred to as chair elect of the committee in question. By nominating a chair elect, the future chair is given an opportunity to learn before taking over as chair of a committee. One individual only. Optional role for all TCs and SCs.


Same as chairperson


Chairperson appointed by another member body, who supports the main member body in providing the functions of chair. One individual only.


Same as chairperson

Chairperson support team

Assistant(s) or support staff of the chair of a committee


Same as chairperson

Committee member

Committee member - also known as

  • "expert" in the context of a working group level
  • "delegate" in the context of a meeting


ISO Documents: Read access to all committee documents

ISO Ballots: Can see open & closed ballots

CEN Ballots: No access

Other ISO services: None

Committee Liaison representative

An individual representing a liaison between two committees.

This role is maintained by ISO/CS, please contact to have this role updated. 


ISO Documents: Read access to all committee documents

ISO Ballots: None

Other ISO services: None

Organization Liaison representative

An individual representing a liaison between a committee and an international organization.

This role is maintained by ISO/CS, please contact to have this role updated. 


ISO Documents: Read access to all committee documents

ISO Ballots: Can comment on ballots on behalf their organization

Other ISO services: None


Reserved for representatives of an organization, not representing an NSB or International organization in liaison but with corresponding rights to participate in the work of a committee (through e.g. PSDO, MoU or any other relevant arrangements).


ISO Documents: Read access to all committee documents

ISO Ballots: Can see open & closed ballots

Other ISO services: None

Project leader

The Project Leader (PL) is an expert in the relevant Working Group (WG) or an expert of the committee if there is no WG (possibly also acting as the WG Convenor or Secretary). If the PL is not a member of the WG, the Committee Manager (CM) must ensure that the relevant National Standardization Body (NSB) registers the person in the WG. 

Project Leaders can be nominated by Participating members (P-members) or category A liaisons, and are appointed by the committee, usually at the same time as the new work item proposal is approved (Form 4 or the resolution mentions the name of the PL(s)). The replacement of a PL or any additional PL requires a committee resolution. Category C liaisons cannot nominate Project Leaders. 

The Project Leader reports to the WG convenor if the project is assigned to a WG or to the Committee Manager (CM)  if no WG is responsible for the project. 

Projects can only be activated and remain active if there is a Project Leader.  If a Project Leader needs to be replaced during a project, the Committee Manager can act immediately and request ISO/CS to assign the new Project Leader. This will allow the work to continue. 

The Committee Manager can confirm this new appointment at an upcoming meeting with a resolution or via a Committee Internal Ballot (CIB).  

This role is maintained by ISO/CS, please contact to have this role updated. 


ISO Documents: None

ISO Ballots: None

Other ISO services: None

Maintenance agency representative

Individual who represents a Maintenance agency.


ISO Documents: None

ISO Ballots: None

Other ISO services: None

Registration authority representative

Individual who represents a Registration authority.


ISO Documents: None

ISO Ballots: None

Other ISO services: None

Document Monitor

Person entitled to monitor document activity on a committee for National dissemination purpose. This role should be reserved to NSB staff members. Document monitors are not participating to committee's work.


ISO Documents: Read access to all committee documents

ISO Ballots: None

Other ISO services: None

Centralized document Monitor

Note 1: centralized roles only apply to committees and sub-committees.


ISO Documents: Read access to all committee documents

ISO Ballots: None

Other ISO services: None

Meeting Participant Approver

Person responsible to register and approve participants for its NSB to TC & SC meetings and assign Head of Delegation


ISO Documents: None

ISO Ballots: None

Other ISO services: In Meeting Participation (MP): Can register participants to TC & SC meetings for its NSB when the NSB is P or O member or that committee; Can assign HoD; Can create and manage participants and guests in MP if the participant has no GD account

Centralized Meeting Participant Approver

Note: Centralized roles only apply to committees and sub-committees.

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