Meeting time planner

In this article

Find the best suitable time for your virtual meeting

This article is relevant for:

Permission level: Meeting Organizer

Find the best suitable time for your virtual meeting

The time planner allows you to find the best suitable time for your virtual meeting based on the time zone of members and liaisons participating to the committee/working group in the Global Directory.


The time planner should be used as a guide to plan meetings. You will still be required to use your best judgement in choosing the most appropriate time taking into consideration any specificities related to your meeting and its participants

1 Click on Time Planner

  • From the navigation area in the Meetings platform, click on Time planner

2 Select a date and the committee

  • Select a date and the committee/working group for which you want to plan the virtual meeting
  • Click on Find a time button

Please note

  • The drop-down list only displays structures for which you are allowed to create/manage meetings.
  • For ISO meetings, a note is displayed reminding meeting organizers to ensure that they make every effort to avoid requiring participants to work in the middle of the night in their time zone (approximately 00:00 to 05:00) as per the TMB/SMB GUIDANCE ON EFFECTIVE VIRTUAL AND HYBRID MEETING (MG 1.0).

Best time for your meeting

The system retrieves the number of included and excluded potential attendees per hour. 

A breakdown of Members, and Liaison members that can be represented in the meeting at a particular time is displayed for all the Included potential attendees and Excluded Potential attendees.

A participant is considered as included if the meeting falls within 07:00 to 19:00 of its local time. By default, the three best times are suggested based on the maximum number of included participants. 


The maximum number of included participants may not always be the best time for your meeting. You need to check the NSB/liaison attendance as some members may have many delegates/experts registered to your committee/working group.

It is up to you to choose the best time according to your meeting's specificities.

  • You can click on show more to view the attendance for each hour and click on the number to view the details of attendance. 
  • The detailed page shows you the name of the participants, their role in the committee or, its organization, its membership, and finally the local time for this participant during the time selected.

  • Once you have found the best suitable time for your meeting, click on +Meeting to create your virtual meeting in Meetings (see related article below).

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