Public documents

This article is relevant for:

Committee Managers, secretaries, and support teams

Working documents found in Documents are intended for committees and their experts to access and share content. Such content is in principle not publicly available therefore people without a role in the committee. To allow committees to expose promotional and support material to an external public audience, Committee Managers, secretaries and their support team can create and manage documents from the Public information folder. This document will then be automatically exposed on's committee webpages. 

Guidance on data protection and best practices

Examples of information that may not be shared publicly include:

  • Information about how any NSB or committee member voted.
  • Committee and working group documents such as working documents, minutes, or working group recommendations shall not be shared externally
  • Details about the identity of the individuals or companies (including the names of the person, title, email, phone number, the company they work for, etc.) involved in a committee

Create and manage public documents

To expose documents publicly for your committee, create or update documents in the Documents platform from the Administration > Public information folder of your committee.

Share public documents

Documents located in in the Administration > Public information folder of your committee are automatically exposed on's committee webpages. To capture a stable an shorter URL, please use the copy link link. 


Please use the copy link button to guarantee a stable URL to your public material over time. For public content, this feature will return the publicly available URL as opposed to the link in the Documents platform.

To view your public documents online, from your committee's page on, from the top right corner, please click on the Information ("i") menu.

Committee information shortcut to

Documents will then automatically appear in the corresponding committee page in the Quick linksCommittee public content section.

Navigate from Documents to public information on

Please note

Upon the first upload of a document, it may take up to 2 hours before showing on

Legacy ISO eCommittees/ISOTC URLs

Requests pointing to public content formerly hosted on ISO eCommittees/ISOTC and migrated to the Documents platform are automatically redirected to the equivalent new public URL. 


Despite this automatic redirection, it is highly recommended that URLs pointing to public material get updated to the new public URL.

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