Meeting timeline and registration period

In this article

Meeting timeline

Registration period

Registration deadline

Meeting timeline

The meeting timeline shows the different status of a meeting.

Status Description
Proposed *
Exact dates and location are not yet known
Confirmed Date and location are defined and for TC/SC meetings approval is granted from NSB hosting the meeting
Registration Open Participant can register to the meeting and/or MPA can register delegates/experts to the meeting
Registration Deadline Indicative deadline for registration
After this meetings status:
  • TC and SC meetings: registration is now only possible by MPA
  • WG meetings: registration submitted by experts from this stage remains in Pending status, until validated by a WG meeting organizer. 
    WG Officers can self-register without further validation.
Ongoing The meeting has started and is currently taking place
Closed The meeting is finished
Cancelled Meeting is cancelled
Deleted Meeting is deleted (no longer accessible)

Please note

  • All meetings that are still in Proposed status when their end date is past, will be deleted (one day after the end date, Geneva time zone). 
  • Meeting organizers will be duly notified prior each deletion, so they can either confirm or cancel the meeting, if needed.

This clean-up helps keep your data relevant, accurate and up to date.

Registration period

The Registration period is the time lap during which participants and/or MPA can register for a particular meeting. Registration can only open if the meeting status is Confirmed.
Registration opens automatically 24 weeks (6 months) before the meeting start date (M).

If a meeting is confirmed 24 weeks or less before the meeting start date (M), registration opens automatically when the meeting is set to Confirmed.
In the below example, the meeting is confirmed 20 weeks before the start date of the meeting, therefore registration opens at 20 weeks:

Registration always closes at the meeting close date (M+ x days) in order to allow last minutes registration to the meeting.

Please note

The platform you are can contain international, regional and national working areas.

The periods indicated above apply to ISO and CEN meetings. For National meetings it is possible that the periods are configured differently. Should you wish to know more, please contact the NSB managing the meeting registration.

Registration Deadline

The registration deadline is aimed to give some indication to participants and/or MPA until when they can register to the meeting, however registration does not close. It is aimed to give some time to the Meeting Organizer for logistic arrangements. After the registration deadline, participants of TC and SC meetings can no longer self-register to a meeting. They must be registered by their respective MPAs. 

The registration deadline is set by default to 2 weeks before the meeting start date. However, the Meeting Organizer can modify the registration deadline to a maximum of 2 months before the meeting start date and to a minimum of one day before the meeting start date.

Please note

  • Self-registrations for working group meetings submitted by experts after the registration deadline, will be marked with status: Pending, until validated by a WG meeting organizer. A warning message explaining the same will be displayed to the participant.
  • Participants with registrations in Pending or Rejected status will be unable to register to social events, or view list of attendees.
  • Confirmed Participants can register to social events when meeting status is: Registration Open and Registration Deadline
  • WG Officers can self-register to the meeting without any further validation (status: Confirmed, automatically)

The above rules for pending status of registrations apply only to Face-to-Face and Hybrid WG meetings. They do not apply to Virtual WG meetings.  

Note that the above changes to WG registrations have been implemented following the TMB Resolution 28/2019 (adopted at the 74th TMB Meeting).

The default deadline indicated above apply to ISO and CEN meetings. For National meetings it is possible that the defaults are configured differently. Should you wish to know more, please contact the NSB managing the meeting registration.

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