Meeting notifications

In this article

Notifications for meeting status update

Notifications for meeting management

Notifications for meeting registration

Notifications for meeting feedback (ISO only)

This article is relevant for: 

Permission level: All Meetings users

Related articles

For more information on Meetings application roles and permissions levels, please refer to the related article at the bottom of this page.

Notifications for meeting status update

Meeting status Secretariat Secretariats of direct parent committees MC3 MPA Members of a structure authorized to self-register Participants already registered to the meeting
 (new meeting created)
X 1 - - - - -
Deleted X 1 - - - - -
Confirmed / un-confirmed - X X - - -
Open for registration X - - X X -
Registration deadline X - - - - -
Ongoing - - - - - -
Closed - - - - - -
Cancelled  X 2 X X X 2 X 2 X 2

1 Only for Committee meetings (meeting with sub-structures). The notification is sent to the secretariat of each child structure for which a meeting has been created; 

2 The audience is notified only if the meeting was in status Open for Registration and Registration Deadline.

3 Meeting Coordinators (MC) only apply to ISO and CEN meetings.

Notifications for meeting management

Reminder deadline Secretariat TPM3 Participant (registered to Social event)
Meeting Timeline

Reminder to confirm meeting 2 weeks before deadline X - N/A

Draft agenda uploaded on Documents 4 weeks before
(Prepare agenda for forthcoming meeting)

At deadline
(Submit agenda)
X X 1 N/A
Practical information uploaded on Documents - - - N/A
Other Working documents uploaded on Documents At deadline X - N/A
Minutes uploaded on Documents At closing date of meeting X X 1 N/A
Resolutions uploaded on Documents At closing date of meeting X X 1 N/A
Attendance list validated in ISO Meetings & uploaded on Documents At closing date of meeting X X 1 N/A
Meeting Information Update

Update of meeting period and location in status proposed - X 2 - N/A
Social events

Social event cancelled - - - X
Social event's metadata updated - - - X

1 At deadline only; 

2 Only for Committee meetings (meeting with sub-structures). The notification is sent to the secretariat of each child structure for which a meeting has been created

3 Programme Managers (TPM) only apply to ISO and CEN meetings.

Notifications for meeting registration

Reminder deadline MPA Members of a structure authorized to self-register Confirmed participants 
Self-registration by participant - X  X
Registration of participant by MPA - X  - X
Registration cancelled - X  - X 1
Registration disapproved/re-approved - X  - X
Reminder to register 1 week before the Registration Deadline X X  -
Reminder to assign HoD At Registration Deadline X  -  -
Change of HoD -  -  - X

1 Only if registration has been cancelled by the Meeting Organizer

Notifications for ISO meeting feedback

Please note

Meetings feedback only applies to ISO meetings

Attended participants Committee manager/ Secretary TPM
ISO Meeting feedback (at closure of the meeting) X - -
ISO Meeting feedback report (14 days after closure of the meeting)

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