Move comments

In this article


Move comment

This article is relevant for:

Voters; Committee Managers; Project Leaders, Convenors (leaders)


When comments are upload from the ISO/IEC commenting template, they are placed on to the title of the relevant clause where the comment has been made. In order to place the comment more precisely in the context of the document, a voter can move the comment. Comments can also be moved by leaders while resolving the comments

Related articles

For more information about how to Upload and submit experts comments from ISO/IEC commenting template into the OSD platform, check the corresponding article from the related articles section at the bottom of the page.

Move comment

1 Select the comment to be move

To move a comment, click on the three dots context menu in the comment card you want to move, and select the option: Move:

2 Select the new position

Select the new position for the comment. A comment can be moved or placed on a letter, word, sentence, paragraph, clause or any element (such as table, graphic, equation), in the document.

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