Member Commenting - Getting started

In this article

Member commenting

Resources for voters and national experts

OSD is built to suit diverse members' needs and processes. As such, members can decide to either use the full capability of the platform and comments directly in the OSD or to continue gathering comments using the usual ISO/IEC Commenting template. Regardless of the option chosen by members to collect national comments, all members must submit their national comments in the Online Document before the CD Consultation or DIS ballot closes.

Level of engagement to collect national comments

Option A: National commenting in OSD (Available only for members managing NMC in the GD)

  • New OSD platform features used to gather national comments, consolidate comments and submit comments to ISO.

Option B: Upload national comments from ISO/IEC commenting file (available for all members)

  • National comments gathered using the current ISO/IEC Commenting template and consolidated commenting file uploaded to the OSD platform.

Please note

National commenting in OSD (option A) is only available for members managing National Mirror Committees (NMCs) in the Global Directory (GD). If you are unsure whereas your NSB has registered the NMCs in GD, please contact your User Administrator.

Option A: National commenting in OSD

Option B: Upload national comments from ISO/IEC commenting file

Related articles

For step by step instructions for voter on option A and B view articles: Option A summary of actions for voters and Option B summary of actions for voters from the related articles section at the bottom of the page. 

Resources available for voters and national experts

The below articles can be shared with voters and national experts. We recommend that Committee Manager add the link to those articles in the ballot as reference document.



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