Upload and submit experts comments from ISO/IEC commenting template

This article is relevant for:

Voters of NSMB who do not manage their NMCs in the Global Directory


This article is relevant for voters of NSB who do not manage their NMCs in the Global Directory.


The upload comments from file is only available during Committee and Enquiry stage (30.20 and 40.20) only.

During WD Study, the WG experts must enter their comments directly in the online document. More information available here: https://helpdesk-docs.iso.org/article/630-add-comments-and-proposals

Related articles

For more information about the process please view the article: Member commenting - getting started!

Demo video - upload comments from file

Upload comments from ISO/IEC commenting template

When a voter receives national comments via the ISO/IEC commenting template, the comments must be uploaded in the online document in the OSD platform.
You can either upload each commenting file individually (expert 1, expert 2, expert 3 etc.) and then use the OSD platform to consolidate the comments. Or you can use the comment collation tool (CCT) to aggregate all the comments in one file and upload the consolidated commenting file. In both cases, national comments must be submitted in the online document.
To upload comments, go to the Otheractions menu, click on  Comments and then select Load comments from file

1 Choose a file

Select the commenting template to be uploaded from your device

2 View upload result report

The Upload result report will tell you if any rows in the file contain information that cannot be uploaded to the platform. The validation rules are the same as when the commenting template is submitted via the balloting application.

Related articles

For more information about the commenting template and supported format please view this article: Commenting template guidelines

In the upload result section, you will see if the commenting template includes invalid data and in which row.


You cannot upload the comments unless you resolve the errors.

In the section validation on rows, in the Errors column, you can see which rows are invalid and why. To proceed, correct the error in the document and upload the file again.

Errors on clause number/label and guidelines

If the clause number does not match the clause or sub-clause number in the online document, the system return an error as it doesn't know where the comment(s) belong in the document.

For General comment (comments on the overall document), the Type should be General and the Clause column should be "empty"

For comments on the Introduction section, the Clause column should contain the word Introduction (as in the above screen shot). Note that the Introduction contains some sub-title called 0.1 General; 0.2 Quality Management Principles etc... Those sub-section are title and not sub-clause and therefore they cannot be referred to in the Clause column.

3a Click on import valid rows


At this stage, the comments have NOT yet been submitted to ISO!

3b  Upload new comment(s) from file and make national

Voters can also choose to make national contributor comments national directly, while uploading the comments from a file. 

To do so, in the Upload result section, select the checkbox: Submit all imported comments as national comments, and click on the Import valid rows button. 

Once the comments have been uploaded as "national" comments, you will see the message: Comments have been successfully uploaded. Click on this message to close the upload files window and go back to the online draft. 


For both 3a (import national contributor comments) and 3b (import national comments) above, you need to move the comments to right position and submit the comments to ISO by accepting the comments.

Related articles

For more information about how to Move comments, view relevant article from the related articles section below.

For more information about how to Submit comments to ISO, view relevant article from the related articles section below.

How will my imported comments and proposals show in the online document?

The import of comments in OSD from the ISO/IEC Commenting template is an option for members who do not manage their NMC in the Global Directory. As the NMCs' experts do not have an ISO account, they cannot comments directly in the online document and therefore comments have to be imported. However, this option has some limitation due to the difference in technology.

1 All comments and proposed changes are imported at the clause level and attached to the title of the clause

In an online document, it is not possible to get a notion of line number. When comments and proposed changes are imported, they are attached to the title of the clause. Voter must move the comments to the exact location in the clause.

The comments without any text in "Proposed change" column are imported as regular comments and linked on the tile of the clause.

2 Import proposed changes

When importing comments that contain content in the "Proposed change" column, the values in "comments" column with values in "Proposed change" column are concatenate.

Why are proposed changes imported as comments?

Because the propose changes feature of the editor enables commenters to select part of the text and propose changes in track change mode. When the comments are imported as “proposed changes”; the text highlighted for change is the title of the clause.

For example:

Imports as:

Even moving the comment to the correct location does not produce the expected result:

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