Manage Comments Dashboard

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Manage Comments Dashboard Overview

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Officers, Voters

Manage Comments Dashboard Overview

A dashboard to manage comments is available to project members with Leader roles and also Voter role in the OSD platform. 

Leaders can access the dashboard from the  Manage comments button on the top right hand corner of the platform and from the context menu in the Comments to Resolve tab.

The Manage comments dashboard overview provides a summary of comments, and change proposals in the draft:

Manage comments

View all comments

Go to the Comments tab in the dashboard and click the  Collapse all icon to view the list of (sub) Clause(s) containing a comment / change proposal.  Clicking on  Expand all will display all comments (default)

View and Hide context of comment

Select a comment / change proposal and click on View context to view the exact place in the draft in which the comments or change proposal was placed.

Select a comment / change proposal and click on  Hide context to go back to the default comment view.

Filter comments

Click on the  Filter button. Enter keywords, or select specific criteria such as comment type, tags etc. and click on  Set filters.

Modify type of comment

In the Comments tab of the Manage comments dashboard, select a comment or change proposal

From the comment type dropdown menu, select the new comment type.

Related articles:

For more information about how to manage tags and topics, view the related articles at the bottom of this page.

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