How to verify my comments have been submitted to ISO during a CD consultation or DIS/FDIS ballot?

This article is relevant for:

Voters; Liaison Representative

I am a voter or Liaison representative, I have already provided and submitted the comments in the online document and now I want to verify my comments have been submitted to ISO during a CD consultation or DIS/FDIS ballot. I need to follow the steps below:

Step1: Remove the "unmanage" filter to view all comments

Step2: Scroll down the document and verify your comments are displayed as green card with your NSB country code.

Step3: Verify the overall number of comment submitted

The use of OSD to develop a standard is optional, but when a Project is developed online, voters must submit the members’ comments in the Online Document instead of in the ballot.​


Comments must be submitted before the consultation or ballot closure​

​National comments will be visible and accessible to the ISO Committee Manager once the CD consultation or DIS/FDIS ballot closes.

As a voter, once I have provided and submitted my national comments in the online document, either using the full online commenting capability of OSD (Option A), or using the ISO/IEC commenting template (Option B) how can I ensure my NSB comments have been successfully submitted to ISO?

Step 1: Remove the "unmanage" filter to view all comments

To view all comments which have already been submitted, you need to go to filter, remove the filter "unmanage" and set filter. This will display all the comments which have been resolved and submitted to ISO.

Step 2: Scroll down the document and verify your comments displayed as green card with your NSB country code.

Once a comment is accepted and made national, it is identified as national comment. The card is green and now include the NSB country code. This is your green light as voter to know that the comment will be visible by the Committee Manager once the consultation/ballot closes.

Step 3: Verify the overall number of comment submitted

To verify the total number of comments submitted to ISO, open the Manage Comments Dashboard and check the number of Resolved comments. This is the total number of comments which will be submitted to ISO. You can access the Manage Comments dashboard from the Comments to Resolve tab:

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