Register participant and guest to social event
This article is relevant for:
Permission level: Meeting Participant Approver (MPA)
MPA are responsible to register all participants and their associated guests to social events if those participants have no GD account
Register participant to social event
1 Access the social event
From the meeting details page, click on the Sessions & events tab at the top of the page.
2 Add participant
Select the social event of your interest and click on the + sign and select Register a participant
3 Pick a person
Pick a person from the drop-down list. The list displays all participants with a status confirmed representing your organization/committee.
Click on Valid
Register participant's guest to social event
As MPA you can also register participant's guests to a social event. A guest can be registered to a social event even if the associated participant is not going to the social event.
As MPA you are responsible to register all participants with no-GD account as well as their associated guests to social events.
Follow the same steps as section 1 but this time, click on Add Guest
Select the participant and then the participant's guests who needs to be registered and click on Add a Guest.
If there is no guest associated with the participant selected, click on Create a guest an complete all relevant information about the guest.
Please note
Before creating a new guest on behalf of a participant, you will be asked to confirm that the guest consents to his/her registration and use of his/her personal data in the Meetings application in accordance with the Declaration on copyright and data protection for participants in events (see related articles for more information).
The guest you create will be associated with the participant profile.