Notification for change in Type of a confirmed meeting

This article is relevant for:

Permission level: Meeting organizers, Particpants

Notification for change in type of a confirmed meeting

Please note the following important points regarding change in the type of a meeting to:

1  Face-to-Face meeting

  • All confirmed attendees will now be considered as "Face-to-Face" attendees. Attendance type cannot be modified.
  • If you would like to modify your registration, please go to the Meetings application.

2  Virtual meetings

  • All confirmed attendees will now be considered as Virtual attendees, including participations by correspondence. Attendance type cannot be modified.
  • Any social events that were previously directly associated with this meeting stand canceled.
  • Your registration to all social events related to a previously associated parent TC or SC meeting stand canceled. This rule shall not apply if you are a confirmed attendee for the parent meeting as well.
  • If you would like to modify your registration, please go to the Meetings application.

3  Hybrid meetings

For meetings with status: Registration Open

  • Confirmed participants can modify their attendance type
  • New participants can select their preferred attendance type during registration

For meetings with status: Registration Deadline/ Ongoing

  • Only meeting organizers can modify the confirmed participant’s attendance type
  • Participants with Pending registrations can modify their attendance type
  • New participants can select their preferred attendance type during registration
  • All participation by correspondence, for ISO meetings, will be updated to Virtual participation. Participation by correspondence is allowed only when virtual participation is not offered at a meeting.

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