Navigating across ISO, CEN or National documents

This article is relevant for: 

Users with Documents Manager, Contributor, and National Reader permission levels

How to navigate across ISO, CEN or National meetings from the same Document platform

As a user of ISO, CEN, NMC or ISOlutions applications, you are now directed to one unique Documents platform. This new platform allows you to seamlessly navigate across ISO, CEN, and National committee working areas to search/manage content. 

Please note

  • You can access committee documents for all committees where you have a role
  • If you are involved in a national committee mirroring an ISO or CEN committee, you also have access to the documents of these mirrored committees, within their original ISO or CEN workspace.


From the Dashboard you will see all the committees you have access to. If you are registered on a national committee mapped with international committees, these latter will be accessible from that page too. Should you want to feature some of the committees in particular, please use the Favorites feature.

Navigation between national and international/regional committees

Overall navigation flow

Navigation from a national mirror committee to an international/regional committee

Contrary to the previous platform, international/regional mirrored committee documents are not copied into the National Mirror Committee workspace. Instead, you are granted read-only access to the original international/regional committee documents. This solves many issues including access to cross-linked mirror documents or references in national positioning ballot documents.

To navigate to the international/regional committee workspace one can use one of these elements:

From the Related committees tab, click on the reference of the mirrored international/regional committee. You will be taken to the committee homepage of the mapped committee
Click on any mirrored document from the International committee documents widget. This will open the document in its original context (ISO or CEN) to read the document online or download a copy.
Click on the ISO Content tab of a national committee to view a list of ISO projects managed by all the mapped ISO mirror committees. 

Refer to this article for more information.
Both national and international/regional mirrored documents are listed from the Committee documents search (1). To display only mirrored documents, users can filter results by selecting a specific mirror committee (2).

National to international/regional workspaces navigation overview

Navigation from an international/regional committee to a national mirror committee

From the international (ISO) or regional (CEN) committee, to navigate to your National Mirror Committees, click on Related committees and select the committee you want to access.

From the top right corner, click on the Access your related committees button. This will open directly the Related committees tab and show all National Mirror Committees mapping this international/regional committee

National to International/regional workspaces navigation overview

Search content across working areas

When it comes to searching for content, you can either 

  • search in a given committee and its mapped international/regional committees (Committee Documents search) 
  • search across all committees you are involved with (Advanced search). 

Both searches are accessible from the left menu and both search include many facets to filter down results.

Committee documents - search in current committees and their mirrored committees

The Committee documents menu allows you to search across the currently selected national committee and all its mirrored international/regional committees.

From the committee home page, click on Committee documents to open the search form and find by default both national and mirrored committees. To narrow down the search results, use the search filters such as committee reference or document type.

Advanced search - search in all committees you have access to

By default, the Advanced search shows content across all committees you have access whether these are managed in ISO, CEN or national committees. On top of documents, this search also shows mail archives. To filter the search results per type of committee, select one or many options from the Working area filter.

  • To search only ISO committee content, please select ISO as your Working area
  • To search only CEN committee content, please select CEN as your Working area
  • To search only National committee content please select your NSB as the Working area
  • By default all content across all working areas are displayed

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