Copy cut and paste

In this article

Copy text from MS Word

Copy/Cut/Paste from within the tool

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Copy/Cut/Paste text from MS Word

  • It is possible to copy and paste text from MS Word into the online editor and vice versa. 
  • It is also possible to cut, copy, paste hyperlinks from word to the online editor.
  • When a selected text is pasted, the formatting is retained and automatically translated to XML.

Please note

Double-check the text you pasted as, depending on your operating system and the version of MS Word you are using, it is possible that special characters or sub-/ superscript formatting is not retained correctly.

Copy/Cut/Paste from within the tool

You can select any word, sentence, paragraph and click on CTRL+C/X to copy/cut, and then CTRL+V to paste your text.

You can also cut/copy and paste entire XML elements (like a table, note, graphic or equation). To do this, put your cursor inside the element you want to cut/copy, then click on the element name from the navigation bar at the bottom to select the entire element.

Once the element is selected, it becomes entirely yellow. You can then press CTRL+C/X and then CTRL+V in order to cut/copy paste it anywhere inside your publication

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