Quick Start Guide for Voters

This quick start guide is aimed at voters who represent their member on ISO Committees developing their projects online (OSD).

This guide includes the following information:

  1. What is Online Standards Development (OSD)
  2. How am I impacted as a voter?
  3. As a voter what do I need to do?
  4. Resources available

1 What is Online Standards Development

The Online Standards Development provides the technical community with a unique and harmonized platform for developing standards online, collaboratively, from the preliminary stage through to publication.

  • WG members can work collaboratively to create the content of the standard
  • Member can provide their comments in the context of the document during the key standard development stage
  • Committee Manager of ISO committee can then efficiently pre-work, sort and resolve comments directly in the context of the document
  • ISOCS internal editors can review the content of the document according to the ISO and IEC Directives

2 How am I impacted as voter

When a projects is developed online (Online Standards Development), the PDF CD/DIS/FDIS draft document is replaced by a link to the Online CD/DIS/FDIS draft document available in the Reference Document section of the CD Consultation/DIS/FDIS ballot.

OSD is built to suit diverse members' needs and processes. As such, members can decide to either use the full capability of the platform and comments directly in the OSD or to continue gathering comments using the usual ISO/IEC Commenting template.

Regardless of the option chosen by members to collect national comments, all members must submit their national comments in the Online Document before the CD Consultation/DIS/FDIS ballot closes.

Option A: National commenting in OSD (only available for members managing NMCs in the Global Directory)

• New OSD platform features used to gather national comments, consolidate comments and submit comments to ISO.

Option B: Upload national comments from ISO/IEC commenting file (available for all members)

• National comments gathered using the current ISO/IEC Commenting template and consolidated commenting file uploaded to the OSD platform.

For more information about the member commenting process with online document please view the article : Member Commenting – Getting started


French translation (when available) is still provided in pdf format.

3 As a voter what do I need to do?

Once you have taken note of the information provided in the Member Commenting – Getting started article, you need to consult with your NSB and choose between option A or B and follow the step by step instructions:

Option A: Online Member Commenting process

Option B: Upload national comments from ISO/IEC commenting file process

4 Resources available

A dedicated section is available in this Knowledge Base for Member Commenting during CD consultation or DIS ballot.

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