OSD Sandbox (training environment)

We have set up two sandbox for the Online Standards Development platform to enable leaders, experts but also members to trial the different features of the platform.

Sandbox for authoring

This sandbox enables leaders and experts to experience the online collaborative authoring experience. The online document is at preparatory stage and can be access by multiple experts at once to fully experience the collaboration experience. We offer different level of access, LEADER, AUTHOR or CONTRIBUTOR.

Sandbox: ISO Projects- ISO/PWI 6291 - Online document

Please contact the helpdesk@iso.org to get login details. Please indicate the number of login you need and the type of permission (LEADER, AUTHOR or CONTRIBUTOR). For more information on permission please refer to OSD Permissions

Sandbox for member commenting

This sandbox is aimed to members who would like to trial the member commenting process. The document is currently ongoing a CD Consultation and as member you can login and provide your comments.

Sandbox: https://sd-train.iso.org/authoring/iso/74697/30.20/1/en/editor?embedded=false

Option A: National commenting within OSD

As a member you already managed your NMC in the Global Directory? Great, the Member Commenting option A is for you. All your national experts will be able to provide their comments directly in the context of the document and the voter and/or NMC Secretary will be able to accept/reject the comments and submit them to ISO.

To request a trial environment for your country please contact heldpesk@iso.org

Option B: National commenting without OSD

As a member you do not managed your NMC in the Global Directory? No problem, you can use the member commenting option B using the traditional ISO/IEC commenting template.

To request a trial environment for your country please contact helpdesk@iso.org

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