Enquiry stage (OSD)

Document workflow during Enquiry stage

The Enquiry stage includes 3 main stages: DIS Registered, Member Commenting and member and editorial comments resolution.

During stage 40.00 and 40.20, the ISOCS Editorial Manager works on the online document to provide editorial comments and changes. Those changes and comments will be available to the committee for review at stage 40.60 along with the members comments.

Default roles during Enquiry stage

During stage 40.00 and 40.20, the Committee and WG have Readers access and can therefore only consult the document in read only. During those stages, the ISOCS Editorial Manager have access to the document to review and provide editorial comments and changes.

During the Commenting stage (40.20), the Leaders and all other roles have Read-only access to the document, except for the Liaison representatives and Voters who are invited to comment on the document

During Resolution stages (40.60), the Leaders set up the project team by granting the relevant permissions to the members participating to the document authoring. To know more about Setting up a project team, refer to the article at the bottom of the page.

Summary of permissions during Enquiry stage

Related article

To better understand roles and their associated permissions, please refer to the article  OSD permissions.

Stage 40.60 - Comment resolution

Once the DIS ballot has closed, the project stage will automatically be updated to stage 40.60. All the roles to the online document will be reset to the default roles as explained in section default roles during Enquiry stage.

At this stage, the editorial changes will be visible in track change mode and all editorial and members comments will be accessible. To have a better visibility on the total number of comments as well as view the comments per members, go to the Manage comments dashboard.

The Committee and WG officers can resolve all captured members and editorial comments. In addition they can update their project team roles to contribute to the document's authoring.

  • Check articles from the category Resolve Comments, to know more about how to resolve comments (Committee and WG officers only).
  • To update the project team roles, refer to the article Setting up a project team at the bottom of the page.

How do I move the project to the next stages (40.92, 40.93, 40.98, 40.99)?

Once all comments have been resolved, you can complete the Post Voting Decision to decide on the next step for the project. If you have any doubt you can contact your Technical Programme Manager (TPM). To know who your TPM is, open the project details within Projects. 

Unless the project gets cancelled (40.98), the online document stays available for review.

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