Getting Started Guide for Officers

This article provides a list of articles relevant for Committee and WG officers as well as Project Leaders who are new to Online Standards Development.

Committee and WG officers as well as Project Leaders are responsible to drive the development of the project online. It is important that they have a full understanding on how the Online Standards Development is integrated with the ISO IT applications and understand the online document life-cycle.

The articles below are the list of essential information that Officers and Project Leaders should read before starting the Online Standards Development journey.

General information about Online Standards Development

Getting started to draft online

Drafting in an online document

Specific how-to articles on drafting in an online document are available here: Drafting in an online document

Commenting in OSD

Validate the quality of your document

Resolve comments in an online document

Submit Online Document for DIS

Enquiry stage is now available for online documents. You need to use the Submission Interface (SI) to submit your project to ISOCS. Please note that for projects launched with an online document (OSD), the reference copy and revisable files are no longer required. Only the explanatory report remains a mandatory document at DIS stage.

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