Meeting business rules

In this article

Meeting Organizers' permission to create and manage meetings

Permissions to manage attendees

Participants registration process

Registration rules

Meeting Organizers' permission to create and manage meetings

Officers of each structures are responsible to create and manage the meeting for their respective structure and officers of TC and SC are responsible to create committee meetings (meeting with sub-structure).

The permissions of officers to create and manage meetings on other structures is top-down. That is, officers of parents committees can create and manage meetings for their child structures.

Please note

The platform you are using contains international, regional and national working areas. 

  • Note that for ISO meetings, all official TC, SC and WG meetings must be registered in Meetings (TMB resolutions 40/2017)
  • For meetings carried out for a regional or national organization please refer to those applicable guidelines.

Officers of TC can create and manage meetings for their own structure as well as for any structures under the TC: 

Officers of SC can create and manage meetings for their own structure as well as for any structures under the SC: 

Convenors of WG can create and manage meetings for their own working group: 

Permissions to manage meetings

Permissions to manage meeting information may depends on the meeting status. The below table indicates when an action can be taken for a meeting:


Proposed Confirmed Reg. Open Reg. deadline Ongoing Closed Cancelled

Update period X  -  -  -  -
Select specific days within the meeting period  - X  X  -  -  -  -
Update face-to-face location (country and city) X  -
Update face-to-face location (venue within a city) X X X X

Update virtual location (Webex link) X X X X X - -
Update meeting type X X X X

Add sub-structure to a committee meeting X X X  -  -
Update Additional Information X X X X X  -
Update tasks X X X X X X  -
Cancel  - X X X  -  -  -
Delete X  -  -
Un-confirm a meeting - X -  -  -

Create  - X X  -  -  -
Update metadata  - X X X X  -  -
Delete (only possible if there is no registrants)  - X X X X  -
 - X X X X

Permission to manage attendees

Permission to manage attendees throughout the meeting timeline:


Role* Proposed Confirmed Reg.
Ongoing Closed Cancelled

Cancel registration P & MO & MPA  -  - X X  -  -  -
Disapprove/re-approve registration MPA  - X X  -
Mark participants as "not attended" MO  -  - X X

Register to social events P & MPA - - X - - - -
Register guest to social events P & MPA - - X - - - -

P = Participants
MO = Meeting Organizer
MPA = Meeting Participant Approver

Participant registration process

Below is the participant registration process. This process shows the different registration status of a participant 

Below is the descriptive of each status:

Participant status Description
Confirmed The participant has self-registered to a meeting or has been registered by its MPA. The registration is automatically confirmed
Disapproved The MPA has disapproved the registration. The participant can no longer attend the meeting
Attended The participant has attended the meeting
Not attended The participant has not attended the meeting
Deleted Participant registration has been cancelled. This status does not appear in Meetings as the registration no longer exisit

Registration rules

Please note

The platform you are using can contain international, regional and national working areas. 

  • For ISO meetings, registration rules are based on the ISO/IEC directives part 1.
  • For meetings carried out for a regional or national organization please refer to those applicable guidelines.
  • Nobody is automatically registered to a meeting, including officers.

Participants must register themselves to a meeting or be registered by their Meeting Participant Approver (for TC and SC only). Officers are not allowed in any cases to register participants to meetings.

Registration to TC and SC meetings

  • Delegates, Liaison Representative and Partner can self-register to the meetings of their respective committee in which they have a role in GD
  • Any other delegates and/or Liaisons representatives must be registered by their respective Meeting Participant Approver (MPA).
  • Officers of child structures can register to meetings of their direct parent.

Registration to WG meetings

  • Experts, Liaison Representative and Partner can self-register to the meetings of their respective Working Group in which they have a role in GD
  • Officers of parents committees can register to Working Group meetings

The registration period start when the meeting opens for registration and close at the closing date of the meeting.

Please Note:

Registrations submitted by participants (other than WG officers) after the registration deadline (Meeting Status: Registration Deadline or Ongoing), will need validation by a WG Meeting Organizer.


Proposed Confirmed Reg.
Ongoing Closed Cancelled
Registration to TC and SC meetings  

Registration by MPA  - X X X
Self-registration  -  - X  X
(officer only)
(officer only)
Registration to WG meetings

Self-registration (by participants)  -  - X X
(For participants
other than officers,
Reg. Status: Pending
until approved by a
WG meeting organizer)

(For participants 
other than officers,
Reg. Status: Pending 
until approved by a 
WG meeting organizer)

 -  -

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